
Tuesday 31 January 2012

January 2012 Favs!

Hi guys!
It's the last day of January, and I decided I was gonna do my favorites of the month already today :)
This January I liked to use cheek products and not a lot more in the face, and you'll be able to see that at the list of my favorites:
Essence Crystalliced Highlighter - I got this highlighter at the beginning of the month, and I like it a lot! It's super pretty and makes a nice glow. Here *click* is a review.
MNY Blush 301 - I'm a big fan of this pink blush with golden shimmer, and this month I used it all the time!
Orly Fowl Play - My very first Orly polish I got this month, and it's so so stunning! *Click* for a NOTD.
Alterra Caring Lipstick in 06 Coral - I love this color, and as a lipstick it's perfect! I wore it almost every day, that's how much I like it :) Here *click* is my review.
Nivea Shower Gel Powerfruit Relax - This shower gel smells so fruity and fun, I love it in the morning! Review will follow soon :)
Rival de Loop Ultimate Volume Mascara - My new favorite mascara of the moment! *Click* for a review :)
Essence I Love Stage Eyeshadow Base - and last but not least, Essence's Eyeshadow Base. I used this quite often, even though I barely did an eyeshadow! I just like how it evens out my skin :) Yes, there's also a review link: *click*.

So, these are my favs! I'd love to see yours, so leave me some links!
xoxo, Misch

Monday 30 January 2012

NOTD January 30th: OPI - I Brake For Manicures

Hey there!
Time to show you another polish ;) Hope I'm not boring you will all the NOTD posts!
OPI's I Brake For Manicures is from their Touring America Fall 2011 Collection, and it's a muted muddy dark purple gray. It looks kind of taupe-like, and you wouldn't immediately think it's a purple. But it really is! It's a dirty color, with warm undertones, and it's a creme.
It applied nicely, I did three thin coats, even though 2 were already okay.
It's super duper shiny, and I like wearing this one!
The only thing is that I had tip wear so soon with this one! Maybe it was my nails that day, but I'm just not used to getting tip wear after a few hours already, and that with an OPI polish! But whatever.
What do you think of it?
xoxo, Misch

Saturday 28 January 2012

NOTD January 28th: China Glaze - Velvet Bow

Hi there!
Today I want to show you Velvet Bow from China Glaze. It was part of their Let It Snow Holiday 2011 Collection, and it's a deep red creme.
Application was awesome, this glided on so easily, it's a dream to apply. I ended up doing 3 thin coats of this one, but 2 would be enough. It was just so nice to apply ;)
I love the color! It's such a deep, saturated red. It's shiny and just awesome. This is definitely the kind of red I like a lot, and it's just so pretty on my nails! It really looks like the color a velvet bow might have, I find the name very matching.
I'm sorry for the bad pictures, lighting is just so bad around this time of the year! It's a little less brown in real life, but other than that the pictures show the color pretty nicely :)
What do you think of it?
And btw: today's my Dad's birthday! Happy birthday Daddy!
See you soon,
xoxo, Misch

Friday 27 January 2012

Polish Finish Series: Pearl

Hey there!
Today I want to talk about another nail polish finish, because I want to get on a bit with these posts! I'll be showing you the Pearl finish now.
A pearl finish is quite similar to a shimmer, or a frost, about which I'll be talking in another episode. But they little particles in the Pearl are way smaller than in the other two finishes, and that's one thing that sets them apart. The sheen in the pearl finish is kind of, well, pearly! I'm sure you can imagine this soft pearly sheen I'm talking about :)
It's easy to apply, and since the pearl has this super fine particles, it spreads evenly. Pearl colors are most of the time silver, so they can look a little frosty.
Pearls aren't actually that common, because most companies rather do real shimmers. But the pearl is also a really nice one!
As an example, I have OPI Come To Poppy from their Nice Stems Summer 2011 Collection. It's a bright pink with a silver pearl, and needs 2 coats. Here *click* is a NOTD with it.
The other color is Essence's You're A Heartbreaker from their 50ies Girls Reloaded LE from last summer. It's a medium gray with also a silver/blue pearl. *Click* for a NOTD.
What do you think of pearls? I like them a lot! :)
xoxo, Misch

Thursday 26 January 2012

NOTD January 26th: OPI - Fly

Hi there!
Today I want to show you another blue polish from OPI, and this time it's Fly. Fly is part of OPI's Nicki Minaj Collection, and it's quite new because the collection was just released at the beginning of this year.
Fly is a creme, but it has this glossy look and also feels a little jelly-like when you apply it, it just glides on. But it's clearly a creme, especially because it only takes 2 coats to get opaque. Because of that squishy feeling it was a dream to apply, just perfect.
I love the vibrant turquoise aqua color of this one so much! It's a clean color, it's so fun and it puts me in a good mood when I wear it. The turquoise is not too bright, it's nowhere close to a neon, but it's still an outstanding color.
What are you thoughts about this one? I like it so much!
xoxo, Misch

Wednesday 25 January 2012

11 Questions TAG

Hey there!
I got tagged by the lovely Pippasali *click*, she asked me to answer 11 questions here *click*. Since her blog is in German, and the questions are, too, I'm gonna post this in both English and German! :) Big yay to all of my German readers who now get something in their language ;)

1. Welche Haarfarben hattest du schon?
Meine natuerliche Haarfarbe ist braun, und ich bin schon immer braun! Ich hab meine Haare noch nie gefaerbt, weil eigentlich bin ich zufrieden mit dem was ich habe, und ich hab zu sehr Angst dass etwas beim Faerben schief geht ;)
Which kinds of hair colors did you already have?
I'm a natural brunette, and I've never changed my hair color. I guess I'm just too afraid that something might go wrong ;) And I'm quite content with my normal brown color anyway.

2. Was ist dein Lieblingsparfum?
Schwer zu sagen, ich trage eigentlich selten Parfum. Irgendwie komme ich da nie dazu ;) Aber ein Duft den ich echt gern mag is Aqua Di Gioia von Giorgio Armani. Der ist echt toll!
What's your favorite perfume?
To be honest, I barely wear perfume, I always forget about it ;) But there's this scent I really like, and that's Aqua Di Gioia by Giorgio Armani. It smells great!

3. Wie stellst Du dir dein Leben in 40 Jahren vor?
Ich hab eigentlich eher klassische Vorstellungen: Kinder, Ehemann, und so Sachen. Einfach eine glueckliche Familie. Aber das wuensche ich mir auch wirklich, denn ich bin ein totaler Familienmensch.
How do you imagine your life in 30 years' time?
I'm really a family person, so I want the more "classic" things: kids, a husband, and stuff like that. Just a happy family :)

4. Mal all deine Talente und Möglichkeiten ausgeblendet - was wäre dein Traumberuf?
Da habe ich leider gar keine Ahnung. Ich bin ja noch jung, gehe noch zur Schule, aber was genau ich spaeter machen will, weiss ich noch nicht. Aber auf jeden Fall etwas das mit Menschen zu tun hat, also einen sozialen Beruf. Oder Sprachen, das waere auch was fuer mich :)
Without looking at possibilities and talents - what would your dream job be?
I honestly have no idea. I'm still in school, so I have a little more time to decide. I want to do something social, with people. Or a job that has to do with languages!

5. Welchen Ort auf der Welt willst du gerne mal bereisen und warum?
Ich wuerde total gerne mal nach New York. Ich finde die Stadt faszinierend, und ich haette einfach Lust, mir alles anzusehen und so weiter :) Vielleicht laesst sich das ja mal machen!
What place on earth would you like to visit some day?
I'd love to see New York one day. I find the city very fascinating, and I just want to look at it all and enjoy myself. Maybe that'll be possible in the future, I hope!

6. Was für ein Schüler warst/bist du? Steber oder einer von den Coolen? ;)
Ich bin ja noch in der Schule, und ich muesste sagen, dass ich eher der ein Mischmasch aus den beiden bin! Ich schreibe gute Noten, lerne aber kaum dafuer und unternehm lieber etwas mit Freunden. Ich hab echt Glueck dass ich so wenig fuer Erfolg in der Schule tun muss!
What kind of student are/were you? The nerd or one of the cool guys?
I'm still in school, and I have to say I'm a mix of these both types! I do good grades, but I don't have to do a lot for that, and I rather hang out with friends than studying ;) I'm super lucky that I don't have to work as much for success in school!

7.Bei welchem Film musstest du zuletzt weinen?
Titanic, glaube ich ;) Den habe ich erst neulich mit ein paar Freundinnen wieder gesehen, und da muss ich eigentlich immer weinen ;)
Because of which film did you have to cry lately?
Titanic, I guess ;) I just lately watched that one with a bunch of friends, and at that I always have to cry ;)

8. Bist du eher Kopf- oder Bauchmensch?
Das ist schwer zu beantworten, aber ich glaube eher ein Kopfmensch. I denke manchmal zu viel nach ;)
Do you rather listen to your head or your heart?
That's a tough one, but I think my head. I tend to over think things quite often ;)

9. Was ist das erste, das du nach dem Aufstehen machst?
Mein Gesicht waschen. Ohne das zu tun waere ich nicht richtig wach ;)
What's the first thing you do after you wake up?
I wash my face. Without doing that I'm not really awake and ready for the day ;)

10. Zu welcher Musik tanzt du am liebsten und warum? 
Am liebsten irgendwas froehliches, lustiges. Das macht einfach am meisten Spass! Weiter brauch ich eigentlich nichts bestimmtes, das allein reicht schon!
To which kind of music do you like to dance to, and why?
Just any kind of happy, cheerful, fun music. That's just the way I have most fun, and I don't need anything specifically else!
11. Gehst du lieber auf Konzerte oder ins Kino? Warum?
Ganz ehrlich: Ich war noch nie auf einem Konzert! Komisch, oder? Ich glaube ich sollte das mal aendern ;) Also im Moment eher Kino, aber auch nur weil ich es nicht vergleichen kann.
Do you prefer to go to the movies or to go to a concert?
Frankly, I've never been to a concert! So I have to choose the movies, but only because I can't compare it. I hope I'll be able to go to a concert some time soon!

Now, guys, these were my answers! So here are the 11 questions I came up with:
1. Bist du ein eher ruhiger oder aufgedrehter Mensch? Are you more of a quiet or a cheerful, bubbly person?
2. Was ist deine Lieblingssportart? What's your favorite kind of sport?
3. Was machst du wenn du traurig bist? What do you do when you're sad?
4. Laechelst du manchmal fremde Menschen an? Would you smile at a stranger?
5. Hast du lieber Jungs oder Maedchen als Freunde? Do you prefer guys or girls as friends?
6. Wenn du ein Tier waerst, was fuer eins waerst du? If you were an animal, which one would you be?
7. Welche Sprachen sprichst du? Which languages do you speak?
8. Was war das Verrueckteste, das du je gemacht hast? What was the craziest thing you've ever done?
9. Hattest du erfundene/unsichtbare Freunde, als du klein warst? Did you have imaginary/invisible friends when you were little? 
10. Was fuer ein Video/Film koenntest du dir immer wieder anschauen? What kind of video/movie could you watch over and over again?
11. Wem kannst du wirklich alles anvertrauen? Whom can you tell everything?

So these are my questions! I tag the following 11 people:

I'd love to see all of you do this TAG! And anyone else, of course, too! That would be great :)
Talk to you soon!
xoxo, Misch

Tuesday 24 January 2012

NOTD January 24th: OPI - Russian Navy SUEDE

Hey guys!
Here's a another nail polish to show you :) I feel like I'm posting so many NOTDs lately, but there's still no end any time soon ;) I paint my nails every other day and still have a bunch of unworn ones from my last haul ;) But it's a lot of fun for me to wear them all, and I hope you like seeing the pictures of them!
Today's polish is Russian Navy SUEDE. It's already quite old, from OPI's Suede Collection of 2009, and I was finally able to get this one! It's a navy blue polish with this silver metallic glitter, and it dries matte. It's called a Suede because it's a matte with shimmer. Here *click* I already talked about this finish.
It really applied nicely, I did 2 normal coats and it was perfect :) Super awesome, and I love how this looks on me! In general, this color is just so so pretty, and I'm in love with this polish! Pure gorgeousness! :)
I especially like the matte look with my now shorter nails, and it's just stunning :)
What do you think of it? Are you as smitten as I am?
See you soon!
xoxo, Misch

Monday 23 January 2012

Spotted: Essence Crazy Good Times LE

Hello beauties,
only a few days ago I showed you the preview to Essence's Crazy Good Times LE for carnival here *click*, and yesterday I already saw it at the store! Here's all about it:
This LE contains 6 pairs of fake lashes, 6 nail polishes, 2 different nail fashion stickers, 2 tattoo stamps and 1 glitter stick. Here *click* you can see all of this in Pinkmelon.
The fake lashes looked a bit different in real life than in the promo pics. They're really colorful and have like little rhinestones on them. I don't use fake lashes, but I'm sure these will be popular, especially for the carnival season.
The nail polishes were all great, super colorful, sparkly, and really not common colors among the drugstore polishes. I bought three of them: 02 Princessorize, a blue-toned pink with a fleck-like shimmer; 04 Confetteria, a royal blue with little round glitter and hex shaped ones; 05 Candyction, a bright orange with flakies.
02 Princessorize; 3 coats
04 Confetteria; 3 coats
05 Candyction; 3 coats
These were the ones I liked best from all 6 polishes. They're all super fun, the glitter makes them unique and they could be worn on their own or over another color.
I'm not gonna go into detail with the other things, because I didn't pay as much attention to them, sorry. They're nice carnival things, but not too interesting to me.

After all, I love this LE for their nail polishes. It's super fun, works perfect with the Carnival theme and it's not so common. If you like it colorful, I'm sure you'll like some of this stuff ;)
Did you get anything of this LE?
xoxo, Misch

Saturday 21 January 2012

NOTD January 21st: China Glaze - Twinkle Lights

Hey everyone,
today I want to show you another polish! It's Twinkle Lights by China Glaze, and it was part of the Holiday 2011 Let It Snow Collection. It's a glitter polish, consisting of a clear base, filled with golden, red and green glitter. The glitter colors seem to be equal, but when you look at it from a distance, it'll look mainly golden.
I used three coats because I decided to wear it on its own. It can of course be layered, over whichever color you like.
But since I had to cut my nails down, I thought it was fun to do all glitter nails, and it really is :D Application was nice, and I like the way it looks!
Of course, it's a Christmas polish, that's obvious. It's like Christmas in a bottle! But I just had to wear it :D
What do you think of it?
xoxo, Misch

Friday 20 January 2012

Polish Finish Series: Foil

Hi there!
Today I want to talk to you about another nail polish finish, the foil. A foil polish has a super fine shimmer that spreads really evenly and makes it smooth but also shiny. It has a metallic base most of the time, so that means most foils are silver, gold or something like that. But there are also a few other foil polishes that have brighter, other colors.
Foils are super pretty, and with that fine shimmer it makes them really special. They're easy to apply most of the time, needing 2 to 3 coats.
As an example, I have Essence's Tinka's Dress from their Fairytale LE. It's a orangy silvery kind of color with the typical foil look.
The other one is of the color range that is not too usual for a foil. It's a bright blue with that finish, OPI's Swimsuit...Nailed It! from their Miss Universe Collection. It's super stunning!
What do you think of foils? I like to wear them :)
See you soon,
xoxo, Misch

Thursday 19 January 2012

NOTD January 19th: China Glaze - Glittering Garland

Hi there!
It's time to show you another nail polish I'm wearing right now. It's Glittering Garland from China Glaze, from their Let It Snow Holiday 2011 Collection.
Glittering Garland is a dark tree green with a tad lighter green glitter. I used three thin coats of this polish, was super easy to apply. :)
It's a super pretty green, the kind of green I like! Of course, it's more of a christmas type color, but still, I could wear this at any time of the year :)
What do you think of this?
xoxo, Misch

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Review: Rival de Loop Ultimate Volume Mascara

Hi dear readers!
Today I have a review for you about a new mascara I've been trying out lately! It's Rival de Loop's Ultimate Volume Mascara. I bought this spontaneously, because the plum colored tube looked nice to me :D Let's see how I liked it!
  • only available at Rossmann, because Rival de Loop is their own brand
  • it's called Ultimate Volume False Lashes Mascara
  • contains 10 ml
  • costs about 3.45 Euros
  • just available in black
  • the brush is pretty big
  • price
  • easy to apply
  • nice, opaque black color
  • brush is good to use
  • gives length and a bit of volume
  • it's natural but you still see a result
  • it sometimes can "glue" the ends of the lashes together, making it look a little clumpy
  • availability
  • it doesn't give you the promised False Lashes look - but what mascara does that?!
After all, I can say that I like this mascara :) It's a nice one, good to use, and for the price it's more than okay. I don't think this would make the best mascara ever, but it doesn't have to be! Just a nice solid basic mascara :) In the pictures I'm wearing one coat of mascara. 
Have you tried this one?
xoxo, Misch

Tuesday 17 January 2012

NOTD January 17th: OPI - Designer...De Better!

Hey there!
Today I want to show you another new polish, and this time it's OPI's Designer...De Better! from their Holiday 2011 Muppets Collection.
It's a silver foil with tiny bronze flecks in it that make it more interesting than your standard silver foil. I used three thin coats, because after two I still saw some bald spots. Application was super easy for this polish.
I like the color a lot, it's super pretty and nice for the colder months.
What do you think of this one? Make sure you enlarge the pictures to see the color better!
xoxo, Misch

Monday 16 January 2012

Previews for February

Hey there!
With my post at the beginning of January, *click*, we already saw some of the new LEs. They were a bit less than usually, and now finally the other previews are released!
I have no idea why they would only show these previews in mid-January, but I'm sure there's some important marketing reason ;) Whatever ;)
First, the Essence one, Crazy Good Times. It's carnival-themed, which is great for the season. Here *click* you can see the preview pics on Pinkmelon. The most important products of this LE are the fake lashes and the nail polishes, and I think both things are awesome! The polishes look so fun, I need to get them all, and the lashes are great for carnival! I'm not sure whether I'll get them, but I'm sure they'll be popular. The other products of this LE are also fun for the season, but not too exciting.
Now, Catrice. They're LE is called feMALE. Here *click* is an overview. It contains quite unusual products, like the aquarelle duo chalks, a cream blush and all of the other things :) The colors aren't that exciting, but after all this LE looks really nice to me :) Can't wait to see it in real life!
Both of these LEs are supposed to be out in February.
Now this is more what I like! I just knew that the older previews couldn't have been it!
What do you say about these?
xoxo, Misch

Sunday 15 January 2012

NOTD January 15th: Essie - School Of Hard Rocks

Hey everyone!
Yes, another NOTD. I just lately got new polishes as you might know, and I just have to try them all out! :D
This time it's Essie's School Of Hard Rocks. It's from their Winter 2011 Collection.
At first I thought this polish was a muted blue, but on me it's way greener than I thought! It's like a mix out of blue, green and gray. It's a creme, and it applied super easily, this is 2 flawless coats.
It's such a pretty color, and works for almost all time of the year. I can especially imagine it in fall and winter, though :D
What do you think? I like it a lot!
Talk to you soon!
xoxo, Misch

Saturday 14 January 2012

Book Review: Black*Out by Andreas Eschbach

Hey there!
Today I have a book review for you guys, about a book my Grandma got me for Christmas. I love that she always gets me a new, thick book I can look forward to :)
This one is called Black*Out, and it's by the German author Andreas Eschbach.
This book is a, I don't know, maybe a Science Fiction thriller? Something into that direction.
It plays in the future, and is about this guy, Christopher, who is trying to escape from something, together with the siblings Serenity and Kyle. They want to find Serenity's and Kyle's Dad, who has to hide from the government. Christopher himself is a hacker, and he's a afraid of being caught by some kind of coherent society, it's really hard to describe. I'm not gonna tell you more about the content, that's so hard to do!
The book always gets into the plot right away, there are no explanations for people or anything, and there's almost always something exciting happening. It's not all explained in detail all the time, and that's one of the parts that make this book so interesting. You want to find the reasons for the things that are happening, and you want to know how it all happened. There are always flashbacks, so you definitely can understand it all, and you do get all of the reasons. There's always a flashback, it's super interesting, you get totally lost in that, and then you're suddenly back to the present time. And of course you want to know how it goes on, also how the flashback goes on, so you keep reading. That makes is a page-turner!
I'm not really big on technology, computers and stuff, and these are some of the main topics. That's also the reason why I would say it's a bit of Science Fiction. But that didn't make it any less interesting for me, it was a great read!
On Amazon they say this is meant for a teenager, but I don't see that point. I'm sure a lot of people will appreciate it, and you can definitely be older to read it.
There's close to no part of romance in this book, and that's a good point in my opinion. Sure, I have nothing against a love story, but here it's cool that there's pretty much none. Although I have that secret thought that that could change with the next book.
This is the first book in a trilogy, the second one is already out in German, and the final third one is supposed to follow in about June. I'm looking forward to reading the sequels!
After all, I really liked this book, and the idea behind it was rather new, I guess (read it, and you'll know what I mean). Maybe some of you already read this one?
Until next time,
xoxo, Misch