
Sunday 15 January 2012

NOTD January 15th: Essie - School Of Hard Rocks

Hey everyone!
Yes, another NOTD. I just lately got new polishes as you might know, and I just have to try them all out! :D
This time it's Essie's School Of Hard Rocks. It's from their Winter 2011 Collection.
At first I thought this polish was a muted blue, but on me it's way greener than I thought! It's like a mix out of blue, green and gray. It's a creme, and it applied super easily, this is 2 flawless coats.
It's such a pretty color, and works for almost all time of the year. I can especially imagine it in fall and winter, though :D
What do you think? I like it a lot!
Talk to you soon!
xoxo, Misch


  1. I agree with you, it is very pretty!

  2. I love grey shade any time in year, they fits with everything (I wear them like a nude staple) and this one is a stunner :)
    I heard that Catrice is returning famous London's Weather Forecast and if this is true, I will definitely buy it because it looks like the most perfect grey shade in the whole world ;)

    1. so true!
      oh yes, I need to get it too! :)

  3. the colour is so lovely! really pretty!!


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