
Friday 20 January 2012

Polish Finish Series: Foil

Hi there!
Today I want to talk to you about another nail polish finish, the foil. A foil polish has a super fine shimmer that spreads really evenly and makes it smooth but also shiny. It has a metallic base most of the time, so that means most foils are silver, gold or something like that. But there are also a few other foil polishes that have brighter, other colors.
Foils are super pretty, and with that fine shimmer it makes them really special. They're easy to apply most of the time, needing 2 to 3 coats.
As an example, I have Essence's Tinka's Dress from their Fairytale LE. It's a orangy silvery kind of color with the typical foil look.
The other one is of the color range that is not too usual for a foil. It's a bright blue with that finish, OPI's Swimsuit...Nailed It! from their Miss Universe Collection. It's super stunning!
What do you think of foils? I like to wear them :)
See you soon,
xoxo, Misch


  1. I like foils and they are one of my favorite finishes, besides shimmer and this blue is so vibrant and it reflects everything I like about foils :)

  2. It is a finish not easy to find and very special. I like them a lot!


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