
Saturday 14 January 2012

Book Review: Black*Out by Andreas Eschbach

Hey there!
Today I have a book review for you guys, about a book my Grandma got me for Christmas. I love that she always gets me a new, thick book I can look forward to :)
This one is called Black*Out, and it's by the German author Andreas Eschbach.
This book is a, I don't know, maybe a Science Fiction thriller? Something into that direction.
It plays in the future, and is about this guy, Christopher, who is trying to escape from something, together with the siblings Serenity and Kyle. They want to find Serenity's and Kyle's Dad, who has to hide from the government. Christopher himself is a hacker, and he's a afraid of being caught by some kind of coherent society, it's really hard to describe. I'm not gonna tell you more about the content, that's so hard to do!
The book always gets into the plot right away, there are no explanations for people or anything, and there's almost always something exciting happening. It's not all explained in detail all the time, and that's one of the parts that make this book so interesting. You want to find the reasons for the things that are happening, and you want to know how it all happened. There are always flashbacks, so you definitely can understand it all, and you do get all of the reasons. There's always a flashback, it's super interesting, you get totally lost in that, and then you're suddenly back to the present time. And of course you want to know how it goes on, also how the flashback goes on, so you keep reading. That makes is a page-turner!
I'm not really big on technology, computers and stuff, and these are some of the main topics. That's also the reason why I would say it's a bit of Science Fiction. But that didn't make it any less interesting for me, it was a great read!
On Amazon they say this is meant for a teenager, but I don't see that point. I'm sure a lot of people will appreciate it, and you can definitely be older to read it.
There's close to no part of romance in this book, and that's a good point in my opinion. Sure, I have nothing against a love story, but here it's cool that there's pretty much none. Although I have that secret thought that that could change with the next book.
This is the first book in a trilogy, the second one is already out in German, and the final third one is supposed to follow in about June. I'm looking forward to reading the sequels!
After all, I really liked this book, and the idea behind it was rather new, I guess (read it, and you'll know what I mean). Maybe some of you already read this one?
Until next time,
xoxo, Misch


  1. Well, I always like hackers stories :-)

    1. I already thought that this might be the kind of book you could enjoy ;)


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