
Saturday 21 January 2012

NOTD January 21st: China Glaze - Twinkle Lights

Hey everyone,
today I want to show you another polish! It's Twinkle Lights by China Glaze, and it was part of the Holiday 2011 Let It Snow Collection. It's a glitter polish, consisting of a clear base, filled with golden, red and green glitter. The glitter colors seem to be equal, but when you look at it from a distance, it'll look mainly golden.
I used three coats because I decided to wear it on its own. It can of course be layered, over whichever color you like.
But since I had to cut my nails down, I thought it was fun to do all glitter nails, and it really is :D Application was nice, and I like the way it looks!
Of course, it's a Christmas polish, that's obvious. It's like Christmas in a bottle! But I just had to wear it :D
What do you think of it?
xoxo, Misch


  1. It looks very nice!

    I've tagged you (wenn man das so sagen kann^^)

    1. thanks!
      haha, danke dir :) klar mach ich bei dem tag mit, ich werde so bald wie moeglich darueber bloggen :)

  2. Super pretty without any base colour!


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