
Sunday 18 September 2011

Another Drugstore Story

Hi there!
Today I want to tell you another little thing that happened at my local drugstore lately! Here *click* I already told you a little story, and now I want to share another one :)
So I was, like I always am, in the make-up aisle at the same drugstore I was last time. I first looked at the Essence counter and then went over to the Catrice section where I overheard a little conversation.
There was this woman talking to the shop assistant. She was about 50 I'd say, considering the wrinkles she had around her eyes. She had blond hair, and a fake tan that was a little patchy in her face. She told the shop assistant she needed a new foundation, and if she had any recommendations. I thought this might get interesting, so I kept listening ;) The shop assistant was a little younger than the woman, and turned out to be well-informed and nice. She asked what kind of foundation she wanted, and the woman replied that she wanted a mattifying one. So the shop assistant walked her over to the Catrice counter and said she could try Catrice's Infinite Matt Foundation. All they had to do now was finding a matching shade, but that seemed to be the problem. The shop assistant pulled out a tester and said the woman should try out the shade on her neck. You need to know that at this counter, all the testers have the same colored packaging, a light color. So the woman was like: No way, this is way too light for me! The shop assistant laughed and told her that the packaging's a different color. So she opened the tester, but the woman was still like: Way too light!, even though I found that the color was pretty good. Apparently she decided to find her own color, because she pulled out the darkest shade and was like: That one's better! The shop assistant tried to tell her that this shade was really not matching, and that it would look fake. But the woman started arguing, that she wanted to look tan, and she knew herself what she needed. The girl from the shop seemed to really know all about it, because she started to explain that it would look patchy easily, and that when she went into the sun, you would definitely be able see that the color is wrong. But the woman said: I want the shade to be bronze, that would work! And they kept arguing about it, by the time I had to leave a few minutes later they were still talking about it.
I really find it crazy that some people don't believe what they're told, and that they just can't see the real thing. Sure, it might be possible that before this visit she had no idea of the perfect color, but when the shop assistant was so nice and explained everything to her, she could have believed it!
Do you know any people like that, who don't listen to good advice in that kinda thing?
See you soon
xoxo, Misch


  1. Haha! Oh, yes, that is a very common mistake. But I have to say that sometimes shop assistants have no idea at all! It was not the case but it may happen.
    I wonder how that woman will be looking with her new make up base, haha!

  2. @Salander: haha, that's true! That the shop assistants have no idea happended to me some time, too ;)
    Haha, I'd love to know that ;)


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