
Monday 19 September 2011

Comparison: Essence I Love Stage Eyeshadow Base and Rival de Loop Young Eyeshadow Base

Hey dear readers,
since I got asked to do it, I want to compare the two eyeshadow bases I own, Essence's I Love Stage Eyeshadow Base and Rival de Loop's Eyeshadow Base. I'll be comparing them in any kind of point that comes to my mind ;)

Availability: The Essence base is available at most drugstores for a few weeks now, and is permanent. The RdLY one is only available at Rossmann, and, as far as I know, only in Germany, whereas Essence is available in a lot of countries. The RdLY one is also permanent.
Content/Price: The Essence eyeshadow base contains 4ml and costs 2,45 Euros, the RdLY base contains 5ml and costs 2,49 Euros.
Packaging: The Essence one comes in a flacon with a sponge-tip applicator. The RdLY base comes in a little pot for which you have to use a brush or your finger.
Formula: The formula on the Essence base is creamy but light, and it blends easily. You have to pay attention that you don't use too much product. The RdLY base is also creamy, but a little more sticky. Here it's not as easy to overdo it. The newer version also contains a tiny bit of shimmer, but I don't own that version.
They're both supposed to be used up within 6 months. I, however, have owned my RdLY base now fro almost 3 years, and it hasn't gone to waste. It'll go a very long time!

Application: As I said before, the Essence base has a sponge-tip applicator. You just dab a bit on your lid and then blend it out. You need to let it set for about a minute. The RdLY base has to be used out of the pot with your finger or brush. I prefer my fingers here, and that way it's also easier to blend it out.
Effect: Both eyeshadow bases intensify the colors a little, the RdLY one a bit more in my opinion. They both prevent creasing and make everything stay all day long. Although it happened to me with the RdLY base that the colors faded a bit in terms of intensity during the day. Since the new version of the RdLY base also contains a bit of shimmer, it can be disturbing when you use matte colors.

Bottom Line: So after all I can say that both eyeshadow bases do a great job. They're not really expensive, and will last a long time. You need to decide which one is more appealing to you, to most probably the Essence one because it's available at a lot more places. I like both the same, but when I have to rebuy one, I'll probably choose the Essence one, because it doesn't contain shimmer.

What I quickly want to add is this: about the Essence eyeshadow base people are arguing, some hate it, some love it. But with the RdLY one, I've barely read a negative review. Just so you know ;) I don't promise it'll work for you!

I really hope this comparison was helpful for you! Do you own any of these bases, maybe even both?
I'll see you later!
xoxo, Misch


  1. I have both but I didn't try the one from Essence so far. I am very happy to see that the Rival de Loop one lasts for 3 years :-)
    It is working well for me. Well, there is no eye primer that works all the day for my lids. But this one is very close to the Too Faced Shadow Insurance and much much cheaper.

  2. @Salander: yes! I find them both great, especially because they're so inexpensive!


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