
Saturday 17 September 2011

NOTD September 17th: Kiko - 266

Hey everyone!
So I know I'm posting A LOT of NOTDs lately, but I just want to show you all these pretty colors! I kinda change my nail polish at least every other day, so that gives me a lot of stuff to post ;) Hope you don't mind, I'm of course also doing other postings :)

Now, let's get into today's polish. It's by Kiko, in the shade 266. Now, I've never been to a Kiko store in my life, even though I'd love to. But a really good friend of mine was in Nice during her summer break, and she brought this polish home for me. I'm so glad there are still people who give me nail polishes, because for example my best friend is always like: no way, I'm not gonna get you another nail polish, you have enough ;) But thank you so much Charly, I really love this polish!
Okay, onto the actual polish now ;) 266 is a medium blue with a bright blue shimmer that makes it glow. I know I'm kinda in a blue mood, this is the 4th blue polish in a row that I'm showing you ;) But this polish is way brighter than any blue I own, it's so illuminated and bright, but still not in-your-face.
Unfortunately the sun wasn't out, so I didn't get the chance to take some pictures of the gorgeous illuminating shimmer, sorry :/ Maybe some other time!
Application was great, this is two super easy smooth coats. I love it! The bubbling on my middle finger is due to my top coat, not the polish's fault ;)
This really makes me crave more Kiko polishes ;)
Do you own any stuff by Kiko? Anything you can recommend highly?
Talk to you soon!
xoxo, Misch


  1. Nice colour! *__* When I get into a Kiko store I always get confused by the enormous number of nail polishes available... and they're still a part of the number all Kiko polishes. O_O
    I have only one of them by now! I also own an eye pencil and a colour sphere (baked eyeshadow) and the quality is really good. Also eye primer is really effective!

  2. I like my Kikos very much. The formula and brush is good. I got mine at the Kiko sales, when they were discounted to 2.50€, and you can get them even cheaper sometimes.

  3. Hey! I am glad to see you got your first Kiko nailpolish :-)
    They are very good quality, many colours to choose and stay for long.
    I like the lipsticks from Kiko. For example the number 92 is very popular because is a nude that becomes pink in your lips.
    I also like the pencil lip glosses.
    Tell to your other friend, we never have enough nailpolishes, haha!

  4. @ere: thank you, also for the recommendations :)

    @marox: yes, I agree with that, so cool!

    @Salander: thank you :) I'll have a look at all of these things when I get at a store some time :)
    Haha, I'll tell her ;)


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