
Friday 16 September 2011

NOTD September 16th: First Ever Franken! :)

Hey there!
So today I want to show you a nail polish I mixed myself, a franken! It's the first one I ever did, and I'm so proud of myself! There are so many talented people who make the most gorgeous franken polishes, and I'm still a beginner at this. But it's so much fun, and I already made a few colors more that I'll be showing you in the future :)
For my first ever franken I used a recipe I found on ThePolishedPerfectionist here *click*. I just loved it, so I had to recreate it! For my version I used half a bottle of clear polish (Essence Color&Go in Absolute Pure), half a bottle of multi-colored glitter polish (Essence Nail Art Special Effect Topper in Circus Confetti) and 5 drops each of 2 different blues (Manhattan - Do You Twitter? and OPI - Suzi Says Feng Shui).
It is meant to be a jelly, and to be only semi-opaque. In my pics I have horrible Visible Nail Line (VNL), but in real life it's not as bad. It's just the macro that exaggerates it a little.
I'm really happy with my first franken, and it definitely won't be my last. Do you guys franken?
Talk to you later!
xoxo, Misch


  1. Very cool!!! I didn't try so far! I thin it is very good to be the first one!

  2. @Salander: thank you so much :)


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