
Thursday 16 June 2011

Collective Use-It-Up post #2

Hey guys,
it's time for a new Use It Up post again :) I don't do these regularly, but lately I used up some stuff, so here it is:
Nivea 2in1 Express Shampoo and Conditioner
I reviewed this hair product here *click*, and liked it. But right now I'm using a different one, so I won't re-buy this for now.

Astor HD Mattitude Foundation
You know I love this foundation, I did review it here *click*. Of course I repurchased it!

Essence Eye Make-up Remover with Oil
This make-up remover was okay, but not the best one I ever used. So I won't buy it again.

Alverde Repair Hairtip Fluid
I like this stuff, but lately I feel like it's not caring my hair as much anymore, so I still have to think about whether to purchase it again.

Nivea Happy Time Deodorant
This is a really cool and nice-scented deodorant, but right now I'm using a different one that I like better right now. I still might go back to this one :)

Essence Pro White French Base Coat
I always use this base coat, it dries fast and protects my nails. I already repurchased it and will keep using it :) Interested in a reveiw?

Synergen Wash Cream
This has always been a part of my skin care routine, and it still is. For my full routine, *click* here. Of course I always have one of this at home :)

Dove Therapy Heat Protectant
I like the effect and the scent of this heat protectant, but I don't really use heat on my hair anymore, so I won't repurchase it for now. But if I need one some time, I'll buy it again :)

Well, that's it for this episode :) I hope I'll be able to do a new post about this soon, because I always try to use up stuff so there's space for new ones :D But apparently I only use up the stuff I repurchase anyway...Whatever ;)
See ya!
xoxo, Misch


  1. I am keeping a long list with all the products I finish, actually I don't have any room to keep buying!
    I bought the P2 nail base, did you try? Is the Essence one better?

  2. @Salander: that's a cool thing to do!
    no, I didn't try it yet! I've loved the Essence one for quite some time now, so I just repurchased it :) But maybe I'll be able to pick up the p2 one some time and do a comparison :)


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