
Monday 27 June 2011

Blogging-Techniques: How I Prioritize My Posts

Hey guys!
Today's episode of Blogging-Techniques will be about how I prioritize my posts. I already told you how I find inspirations for my posts here *click*. But after knowing what to blog about, you need to know when!
I have a kind of system I use, and it works for me. This is not the way you have to do it, but it's a possibility.
On either Sunday or Monday of each week, I take some time and sit down to plan a little ahead of time for my blog. I think of whatever post comes to my mind, and then look at the following criteria:

  • what type of post it is (review, EOTD, etc.)
  • how often I did a post of this type in the past 2 weeks
  • if the pictures for the post are already taken
  • if there's a lot of pictures to edit & cut 
  • how much I'd have to write for this post
  • if the posts about something from a LE, so it has to be done soon
  • whether the post's something that has to be posted at a certain date
Then I take about 5 to 7 seven posts that come to my mind, and write a new post for each of them. But all I do is write the title, and then safe it in drafts. This doesn't take a lot of time, but then there's a lot already done. 
Now I have to think about when I have time to blog. There might be a night were nothing's planned, and then one where I won't find time. According to that, I schedule the rather long posts for free days, and the shorter ones for more busy days. 
For the order of the posts, I think about change and variation. I try not to post more than one post of a type a week, and also to switch up the topics. If today's post is about an eyeshadow, then the next two won't be. 
When I have the date for each post set in my mind, I go to each post and schedule it for that day. That way Blogger will arrange the posts in the "Edit Posts" section the way they are supposed show up. 
This way I have about a week planned, and I can write the posts when I have time to. There will be a lot of variation in the posts, important things will come up first and longer posts when I have time for them.
I hope this helped you out! 
In the next episode I'll tell you how I go on, because I'll be talking about how I find time for writing the posts we just scheduled. 
How do you prioritize you blog posts?
Until next time,
xoxo, Misch


  1. Very interesting! I don't do such a plan! I can tell you right now I have 46 posts in draft ready to be published!
    I write a lot during weekends as I don´t use to have time during the week.
    I agree with you about LE, those are high priority.

  2. @Salander: thanks :)
    wow, that's a lot! I wish I had that many done already!


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