
Sunday 26 June 2011

120 Palette Swatching Series: Upper Half, 2nd Row

Hey there!
We're going on with the swatching series today! It's time for the 2nd row of the upper half of the palette, which contains blue shades. Here you go:

1 This is very light, violet-toned blue with shimmer.
2 Here we have a light violet with a slight pearl.
3 This blue is purple-toned, and has a light shimmer in it.
4 Now we have another blue with a violet hue in it, but it's lighter than number 3 and darker that number 1.

5 This shade is very similar to number 3, it's another shimmery purple-based blue.

6 This is a shimmery purplish blue again, a tad darker than what we had so far in this row.
7 Here we have a matte, and it's more blue than the ones we had so far, but it still has that purple hue.
8 This is a light to medium shimmery blue, this time without the violet hue.
9 This darker, almost royal blue is with more chunky shimmer and therefore looks a little crumbly on the swatch. But it's more even when you apply it to the eye :)

10 This las shade is a turquoise and violet splatter mix, and it turns out like a shimmery turquoise when you pick it up.
in the shade
in the sun
in the shade
in the sun
in the sun
 That's it for this part of the swatching series! As you might be able to tell, it's not too easy to describe all of the colors, because they are all kinda similar. So you better have a look at the photos!
The next episode will be about greens :)
I'll see you soon!
xoxo, Misch


  1. Nice colours but they seem quite chalky.

  2. @marox: yes, they do, right? but on the eye that's better, and you don't see it anymore :)

  3. Ya they do seem really chalky but when u put it on ur eyes it looks fine, so its okay

  4. @katie: you're right, it's exactly like that :)

  5. I like the number 2 with that violet tone :-)

  6. @Salander: yeah, it's a pretty one :)


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