
Tuesday 28 June 2011

NOTD June 28st: Essence - Choose Me!

Hi you guys,
today I only quickly want to show you some pictures of a nail polish I already reviewed: Choose Me! from Essence. *Click* here for the first post on it!
Here I just want to show you some better pictures, although even this camera won't do this polish justice. It's even more gorgeous in real life, because it has a green duo-chrome that my camera just wouldn't pick up.
The pictures were taken after 3 days of wearing it, with 3 coats of polish, no top coat.
Does anyone own it, too?
xoxo, Misch


  1. I have this polish and I love it. Even not being very fan of this kind of blue, it is a really special colour.

  2. @Salander: yeah, you're right, it's really interesting to look at!


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