
Friday 27 May 2011

NOTD May 27th: Manhattan - Gossip Girl

Hey you guys,
I already introduced you to the Manhattan Limited Lotus Edition here *click*, and now I'm wearing the first color I got. It's a dove grey with a slight pearl, called 16 Gossip Girl. Application was flawless, I had no dragging or lack of pigmentation or anything.
This is just 2 perfect coats of it. It's already shiny on its own, but I applied a top coat over it. It lasted 3 days before it started to chip, really great :) The slight pearl is almost not visible, only in a really close up.
While in the bottle you can perfectly tell the light gray color, it's not always so clear anymore. Especially in direct sunlight, it looks kinda blue. It's like a gray lighter version of Sea Spray by China Glaze, I think :) It's really pretty, and I love it!
Definitely have a look at it when you see, it's limited and definitely worth a try!
I'll see you later,
xoxo, Misch


  1. I think I saw it in Berlin somewhere, it is very nice colour. I think it is pretty similar to one from a Catrice LE, from Oceana I think...

  2. @Salander: yeah, that could be true! I don't own the catrice one, but I saw it in stores back then. maybe you right!


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