
Saturday 28 May 2011

Blogging-Techniques: How I Write My Reviews

Hi guys,
I'm starting a new series called Blogging-Techniques. I'll basically share with you how I do this and that while blogging. I hope you'll find these posts informative :)
Today I'm starting it off with how I write my reviews. I'll do some examples and stuff, so it might get really detailed ;) Hope you don't mind!
  • Whatever product I review, I have at least used it 5 times and owned it for a whole 7-day-week. The only exception to that point: colored nail polish.
    Let's pretend I'm using a new lipgloss. If I at least try it out 5 times, I can see how it works under which conditions, if my first impression stays the same or changes. And when owning it for a full week, I can tell whether the product itself changes in for example the texture.
  • Anything I start to use, I try it in a lot of different ways.
    Say I'm trying out a new blush. Then I don't only apply it with my regular brush, but also with some other ones so I get an overview of how well it applies with what type of brush.
  • I do a hard-conditions-test at least twice.
    When I'm planning on doing a review about an eyeliner, the hard-conditions-test is first how it stays without a base, then second how it stays when I do sports and third how it reacts when it gets in tough with water.
  • I try to mix my first impression when buying it with the impression I got when using it for the first time, and that with the impression I got after a week.
    When I buy for example an eyeshadow, I buy it because it looks nice and good. So my first impression is almost always positive. But then when I first try it, it lacks pigmentation, and it stays that way every time I use it. Then I of course can't do a review about only the first impression I got.
  • I look at the product objectively.
    Say I got a new blush and I love love love the packaging because it's so adorable and the color's pretty, too. But it isn't pigmented at all and fades after 1 hour of wearing it. If I'd write a positive review now, only because I'm a sucker for cute packaging, it'd be subjective. But I don't do that.
  • I always think about what would interest my readers.
    When I'm wearing a new nail polish, I think about what kind of comparisons in terms of brush, color, formula and availability you would be interested in.
  • I also have a few adjectives on how my reviews should always be:
So this is how I do the texts in my review :)
I hope you like this idea of the Blogging-Techniques and find it helpful :) Maybe some of you will find some things they can incorporate to their own reviews, and maybe you'd be able to give me some feedback if there's something missing on my list, if I need to look for something else when doing my reviews :)
What do you think?
Until next time, 
xoxo, Misch


    1. Very very interesting post. Some times I do some reviews too quick and that it is a mistake. I think I have to learn from you to wait, use it more, because some time my opinion changes with use.
      I don´t know what else you could add to your reviews, they are very complete!

    2. @Salander: I'm glad you like it :)
      yeah, to me that's an important point with reviews, but you can of course handle it the way you like :) But it's great that I could help you with that :)
      thanks :)


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