
Wednesday 30 March 2011

EOTD March 30th: Catrice Quad 010 The Season's Must Have! #2

Hi there!
A little ago I did this review about the Catrice 010 The Season's Must Have! quad *click* and then did this pretty dramatic look *click* with it.
Well, here's another looks with this quad that is way more natural!
I just put the champagne rose color onto my lid, only leaving out the very outer corner. Then I tried to apply the torquoise color to the outer corner, but it didn't really work. I had to layer it a thousand times :P You already know that I don't like the pigmentation of this color... Then I added the grey color to my crease, but more to the center part of it, not too far outward.
For eyeliner I applied the p2 perfect look kajal in 02 brown to my upper lashline and waterline, but only the outer 2 thirds of each of it. Then all you need is mascara, I used the Maybelline Colossal Volum' one in glam brown.
Well, that's it! Here you have a neutral eye with cool colors.
Do you like it?
xoxo, Misch


  1. Ganz elegant und kaum auffällig, ich mag es! :)

  2. @Renata Chocolate: danke :)

  3. Very nice look! Actually I really love the combination of creamy beige with dark blue ;-)

  4. @Salander: thanks! I do, too :) I might do a look with these two colors in a different way some time! :)


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