
Monday 21 February 2011

LOTD Febuary 20th: Manhattan waterflash lipgoss

Hey there!
I have another LOTD post for you. I'm wearing the waterflash lipgloss in 46D by Manhattan that I already reviewed here *click*. It's a very bright pink and I used it very lightly so it'd be wearable. I did just the same technique I did here *click*, when I made a purple gloss wearable. I basically put a nude lipstick underneath it :)(it's NYX round lipstick in circe) and then applied the lipgloss lightly. 

I still like the gloss as much as I did back then when I did the review, so that's great. I also did a full lip with the bright color, just for comparison. 
Do you like that color? Or is it too summery for you, so you don't wear it now??
I'll see you soon!
xoxo, Misch

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