
Wednesday 23 February 2011

Color correctors

Hey everyone,
Today I have a little information post for you about a very special kind of concealer: the color corrector.  I'm combining this information post with a mini review about the color corrector I use, the 3in1 concealer by Essence.
First of, what is a color corrector?
A color corrector is basically a concealer in a different color that is meant to correct some discoloration. Green is meant to correct redness, and pink is there for bluish dark circles, though sometimes there's also used peach for this purpose. The colors used are always the opposite of the color they're meant to neutralise.
Then of course you have to put some normal skintone colored concealer over it, so neither of the colors will be visible.
The Essence 3in1 color corrector:
It contains, as the name says, 3 colors: Pink for dark circles, green for redness and a basic beige for everything else. All of the colors are pretty hard to get out of the pot, you need to warm them before you can really get them out. The colors are also not the most opaque ones, but they do their job.
It lasts pretty long, but not all day long. And, just to warn you, the skintone color is pretty dark, so nothing for the light people out there. For me it's fine, but only in summer, when I'm a little tanner. I use it pretty often during that time.
So, I'd say: I think it's fine, but there are better concealers, and color correctors, out there. Think twice before you get this one, you might not like it too much.

What do you think of this concealer by Essence and color correctors in general?

I'll see y'all soon!
Bye, Misch

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