
Tuesday 23 November 2010

Review + NOTD November 23rd: p2 crackling top coat

Bonjour tout le monde,
this is a little review and NOTD in one post :) As I told you in this haul post, I've been wanting to try out this top coat for a long time now, and I have to say: all my expectations are fulfilled :)
I'm wearing it over a really pretty reddish pink frost color, nr. 10 by Chresy. You can see where I got this polish here and the color on it's own here *click*.
You can get this crackling polish at dm and it's about 2 Euros.
I love love love the effect. It's amazing and so so stylish and unique :)
It works really easily, just paint your nails with a color of your choice and let that dry. Then apply the top coat quicky (that's important) all over the nail. Don't go over the color again, because it dries so fast. It'll start to crackle almost immediately and turn matte. You can of course add a clear top coat to make it shiny. I actually prefer to not add a clear top coat, because I think the texture change from matte to shiny (the color underneath) makes it even more interesting. But if you do that, too, keep in mind that the polish might chip off more easily, but I don't think it's that bad.
Mini review for the crackling top coat:
+ inexpensive
+ pretty easy to get when you're in Germany
+ so pretty effect
+ works well and easily
+ dries fast

[- could be too fast drying for some people]

So, I hope you liked this post :) Let me now if you tried this one out as well and I'll see you guys next time!
xoxo, Misch

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