
Friday 19 September 2014

Tape Nail Art + BornPrettyStore Nail Tape Review

The last product of my BornPrettyStore series to show you guys! It's their Nail Art Striping Tape*.

Using this tape, I tried two different techniques. The first one just required putting the tape onto my nails.
It is super easy to apply. All I did was cut off a little part, stick it onto my nail, and cut off the excess. It sticks very nicely and therefore doesn't even require a top coat to seal it. You can apply one, though, if you want.

The tape doesn't come off easily during wear, which makes this a very lasting design.
And you can create so many different looks!
The second way I tried it was to use it as a tape, paint over it, and then remove it. That didnt work out so great.
I had painted on a base colour, sticked on the tape, and painted over it. So far no problems to be seen, all went well. I let the polish dry, and then removed the tape.
Unfortunately the tape had stained onto the nail polish, leaving some red marks where it was. Also, it had removed the base colour I was wearing.
So this technique is not so good with this tape!

After all, I'm a huge fan of the tape, because you can create so many fun looks with it! It's unfortunate that you can't paint over it, but it doesn't really matter. It's not the usage for what it's made after all :D

What do you think of it?
xoxo, M


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