
Saturday 20 September 2014

4 girls, 1 bus, and 6 countries.

This is me saying Goodbye to you guys. Not forever, mind, but for the next two months. Not because I'm tired of blogging, but because I'm going on a road trip!

Together with three close friends of mine, we'll be travelling around the western part of Europe from today on.
Our route takes us first to France, from where we'll be taking a ferry to Ireland. After Ireland we're going to catch another ferry in Nothern Ireland, which will then take us to Scotland. There we'll be touring the Highlands, see some cities, and then make our way south through England and Wales. Our last stop in the middle of November will then be London.

Quite a route, right?
We're super excited and really looking forward to seeing everything!

Due to being on the road in our little bus, I won't be able to update on here.
If you do want to keep track of our journey, you can follow us on Intstagram via the #4girls1bus, our you can go ahead and follow my Intstagram account, poetenmisch. Links can be found in the ABOUT ME tab above.

I'll be leaving you guys now, be save and have a great 2 months!
See you soon!

xoxo, M


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