
Friday 25 May 2012

NOTD May 25th: Nyan Cat Nail Art

Hey there!
Today I want to show you a piece of nail art I did lately. It was actually a friend's request, and I was more than glad to do it! What I'm talking about is Nyan Cat nails!
I hope all of you know Nyan Cat, it's pretty awesome! :D Here *click* is a video of it!
So for these nails I followed this tutorial by CutePolish *click*, because I thought it was the easiest method. What you wanna do is paint Nyan Cat on a sandwich bag or something, and when it's dry, peel it off and stick it onto your nails. That's what I also did for the rainbows :) It's super simple that way!
I really like these nails, they're so much fun! :D The base color is First Mate by China Glaze, btw. If you want to know the other colors I used, feel free to ask!
What do you think of Nyan Cat and these nails?
xoxo, Misch


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