
Saturday 26 May 2012

Introducing: Vacation Series

Hey everyone!
I want to introduce a little new series which I'll be posting about in the next couple of days. It's getting summer, almost every student has vacation now or soon, and everybody's ready to spend their time out in the sun!
For me my Pentecost vacation, which is two weeks here in Bavaria, is now, today, starting. I'll be going on vacation with my family to Italy in a couple of days, and I can't wait to be at the beach!
So in this series, starting tomorrow, I'll be covering all kinds of things like summer colors, SPF, making your make-up last long even when it's so hot, what to take to the beach with you can stuff like that! Do you have any special requests concerning this series? I'd be glad to include everything you're interested in :)
What do you think?
xoxo, Misch

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