
Tuesday 9 August 2011

Collective Use-It-Up! #3

Hey everyone,
I have another collective Use-It-Up post for you! This time there are more actual make-up products in it, yay :D
That's what I used up:

Astor HD Mattitude Foundation - This is my favorite foundation of the moment, and I already bought a new bottle of this one. It's great!

Maybelline Dream Mousse Concealer - This used to be my all-time favorite concealer. It has the perfect coverage and consistency, and I loved it! But apparently it got discontinued, because I can't find it anywhere near me :( So now I'm using a different concealer, the one from p2 that I showed you here *click*.

Maybelline Colossal Volum' Express Mascara - Here we have my favorite volume mascara, it's a really good one! But right now I have a different mascara to wear, so I will only buy a new bottle of this one when I use up my current one.

Essence Nail Art Sealing Top Coat - I've already used several bottles of this one, but now I've got a new top coat that I love even more, so this one won't get repurchased so far. It's a good one, however.

MaxFactor False Lash Effect Mascara - This mascara is the only one that's really waterproof on me, and it has a nice black color. But I don't need a waterproof mascara on a daily basis, and so this one won't be bought again.

Rival de Loop Yound Diamond Wish Mascara - Another mascara, yes! It was limited edition, and it was nice, but nothing I have to have. So this was probably my last bottle of it, unless they might repromote it.

I'm proud to say that I used up that many mascaras, because you can't keep them too long. Mascaras are always products that go to waste soon, because they can cause eye infections when you keep them open for too long.
Did you use up anything in the past couple of days?
See ya,
xoxo, Misch


  1. I have a purple Essence mascara that will be soon going to the bin.

  2. @marox: is it any good? Does is show the color nicely?

  3. I am doing my new list of finished products :-)
    I have some already in, and another ones that will be used up soon.
    You are smarter than me, I bought so many mascaras and gel liners at the beginning of "my make up adiction" so there is no human way to finish all of them!

  4. @Salander: that's great :) well, they will dry out eventually and then you can start trying new ones, haha :D

  5. Right, there is always a good reason to keep shopping :-)


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