
Saturday 4 June 2011


Hi everyone! :)
It's the 4th of June and that means: It's this blog's birthday! Yay!
Exactly today a year ago I started blogging with this "introducing me" post *click* and ever since then I posted regularly. In this full year I gained a lot of experience and found out what's important when blogging. I got fantastic readers that make it even more fun, got some really nice comments and wrote posts about everything I thought it might be interesting ;). In a total, I posted 251 posts, including this one, and on this blog 289 comments have been published, including my own responses to your comments, and I have 43 official followers via Google Friend Connect. Also, I had a total of 15.112 clicks on my whole blog, and the most popular post was this *click* review about the Essence Multi Color Blush with a total of 261 clicks, that's at least what my statistics say :) 
It's been an amazing time to see this blog grow, it was so much fun!
I hope you had a great year with me, and thanks so much to all of you! I will of course keep blogging, and I hope you'll keep reading :)
Thanks and Happy Happy Birthday to this blog!
Let's have a great 2nd blogging year!
I love you :D
xoxo, Misch

PS: To the photo: I took it in our garden and loved it! I figured you might wanna see it ;) 


  1. Happy blogging birthday! May it be the first of many!

  2. Happy Birthday my friend! I enjoy your blog a lot and hope you keep blogging many years more!

  3. Congratulations!!!!! Please, keep on doing!!!

  4. @marox, Salander and thefirstgoldengirl:
    thank you all so much!
    If you want me to, I will keep blogging, of course :) <3

  5. @Shalini: thanks for the link ;)


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