
Monday 23 May 2011

Spotted: Catrice Papagena LE

Hey you guys!
When I went to one of my local drugstores today, I spotted the new LE by Catrice, called Papagena :) It was already overdue because it was supposed to launch in the beginning of May, but better late than never, right?!
Unfortunately I haven't been able to show you any counter pics or things like that, because I'm not allowed to take pictures at the drugstore. I used to try to take them secretly with my cellphone camera, but that one's really not working anymore :/ So I hope you don't mind that :)
This LE contains 2 blush sticks, 4 nail polishes, 2 sheer lipsticks, 1 pair of fake lashes, 3 eyeliners, 2 eyeshadow quads and gold highlighting nuggets. *Click* here to see a collective preview pic of all of the stuff.
I was really looking forward to the gold nuggets, but unfortunately they're pretty dark and I would've never been able to wear them with my light skin :/ The sheer lipsticks are for sure meant as toppers, and in real life they looked a little green which was somewhat weird...The fake lashes were to big for my eyes, and I told myself I didn't need an eyeshadow quad, although the one with the purple in it was really pretty...I didn't get the pink blush stick because I just got one a few weeks ago by p2, I reviewed it here *click* . The polishes weren't too special, but still pretty, especially for people who love colors like that.
I got 2 things: the coral blush stick in C01 Tigerlilly and the bronze olive green polish in C02 Welcome To The Jungle.
For the blush stick there'll be an extra review in a few days, so I won't tell you any details now ;)
The nail polish has a gorgeous copper and olive shimmer, and it really glows in the sun. I don't own a color like it, there's nothing even close in my stash. The shimmer especially appears in the sunlight.
On the nail wheel I needed 3 coats for full opacity, but that can always be deceiving, so I want to try it on my nails before I tell you the final number of coats you need ;) The texture was a little runny, but nothing you can't handle :)
It's really pretty! NOTD coming up soon :)
The blush stick, the nuggets and the nail polishes have a black rubber cap that reminds me a little of the NARS things. They have the word "catrice" written on it multiple times in different sizes. I like that design a lot, it looks good and matches with the products.

What did you get from this collection? Anything you like? Tell me :)
I'll see you soon!
xoxo, Misch


  1. I didn´t find this LE in Berlin, so sad, I love the cream blush :-(

  2. @Salander: oh no, that's a pity :/
    well, I'm gonna review it soon, you might have not loved it that much after all, it's not the best one ever.


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