
Friday 7 January 2011

NOTD January 4th: Essie - Limited Addiction + Spotted

Hey everyone,
I just lately reviewed the Essie Mini Fall Cube here, and now I'm wearing one of the colors: Limited Addiction! If you want to read more about the color and stuff, go to that review. For now, let's just say it's a cherry bloody red.

I like it a lot, because it looks classy without being that obvious bright red! I'm wearing two coats of it, with topcoat, and it stayed until the second day without showing any tipwear. I removed it today, day 4, not only because it chipped a little, but also because I like to change my color often so it's not boring :)

Do you like this color, too? Or do you maybe prefer that standart bright red? I'd like to know!

I just recently visited dm and found the new p2 Limited Edition, called Your Wild Side.
 I didn't buy anything, not so interesting to me, but I thought you might like to see a picture of the counter :)

xoxo, Misch

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