
Monday 31 January 2011

NOTD January 31st: OPI - Java Mauve-A

Hey everyone :)
First of, I'm really sorry for not posting more. Just a few more days and the main school stress will be over for a while. Then I'll post more regularly again! :)
Today I'm wearing Java Mauve-A by OPI on my nails, and it's the first color from my haul I showed you here *click*
I already described the color in that post, so I'm not gonna do that again. For now, let's just say it's a warm pinkish brown color, like rosewood.
I've been wearing it for a week straight and had no chipping, just tipwear, so I'd say it's the normal good OPI quality. It needed two coats to get opaque, but you could get away with one if you paint your nails were carefully :)
I love this color, because I have nothing like it, and it's such a pretty  neutral color <3 LOVE!
Do you like it, too?
I'll see you soon :)
xoxo, Misch


  1. It does remind me of a polish I bought on Saturday from Deliplus.

  2. @marox79: that's really cool! what is it called?


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