Thursday, 26 July 2012

Review: SunOzon ApresFluid For Face

Hey there!
I'm sorry I'm blogging so inconstantly, but I'm super busy with dancing shows right now! I've got rehearsals all the time, we already had our opening show and it's just so full of stress! But soon it'll be over, and then I'll be back to blogging on a regular basis :)
Now, onto today's review :) I want to talk about the SunOzon ApresFluid For Face which I bought together with the SunOzon SunFluid for face SPF 30 *click* for a review.

  • SunOzon ApresFluid For Face
  • available at Rossmann
  • contains 50ml
  • costs 3,45 Euros
  • you're supposed to use it after having spent some time in the sun
  • it's supposed to be mattifying and cooling
  • price
  • very light, almost runny consistency
  • easy to apply
  • soaks in immediately
  • it has a slightly cooling effect
  • it can be used as a make-up base
  • it feels nicely moisturizing after a day in the sun
  • it didn't break me out
  • availability
  • doesn't really mattify your face like it promises
  • it isn't rich enough for dry skin - even I with normal skin found it wasn't moisturizing enough sometimes
After all, I think it's a nice after sun product you can definitely give a try. The only real downside is the fact that it might not be rich enough for your skin. You gotta know yourself how much moisture you need!
Did anyone of you try it?
xoxo, Misch

Tuesday, 24 July 2012


Hey there!
I'm back from my school trip to Berlin, and I had a great time! I've never been to Berlin before, it even was my first time in Germany outside Bavaria, and it was great to see the city! Even better was the fact that I was able to go with all my friends from my class, and we had tons of free time.
In the group we did a lot of sightseeing and visited places like the Reichstag building, Madame Tussaud's, the Brandenburger Tor, Checkpoint Charlie, the East Side Gallery and the Kurfuerstendamm. It was great and really interesting to see all of these places and buildings, and I liked it there a lot. We also did a boat tour on the Spree and went shopping and also into clubs and bars.
The weather unfortunately wasn't that great, it was always switching from bright sunshine to pouring rain, and that every half an hour. It really was somewhat unsteady, but it was okay :D
Something I think is funny is the fact that even though I was in the same country, Germany, it was very different from Bavaria. Different words for food and stuff like that, really weird partly but also fun :D The landscape also looks really different, here in Bavaria we have so many mountains whereas in Berlin, it's just plain land! Not what I'm used to :D
In the city there were always lots of cool people on their way, and we saw so many dancing or singing or making music in the street and also in the subway! That was great!
I find that some places of Berlin weren't exactly what you'd call pretty, but I think that every city has its more and less beautiful spots. I liked the fact that in comparison it's nowhere as crowded or dirty in the subways as Munich, and our hostel, Singer 109, was super pretty! A good place to stay with free Wlan, good breakfast and nice rooms.
I really like Berlin, and I definitely want to got back there! I really think everyone should go there one day if they can! What do you think of Berlin?
xoxo, Misch

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Short Break

Hey everyone,
I just quickly want to let you know that I won't be around for almost a week, I'm going on a school trip to Berlin! I'm really looking forward to it, I'm sure it's gonna be great! I've never been to Berlin before, even though I live in Germany! I'll see you all when I'm back :)
xoxo, Misch

Monday, 16 July 2012

Preview: Essence New In Town LE

Hey there!
Just quickly want to show you an Essence preview for August. It's called New In Town, and here *click* you can see the promo pics. It looks nice, and it's one of those typical LEs they launch before the release of the new permanent line. So all of these products will be permanent, there's no need to run and get them. I actually like these types of LEs, with them you can already get a little overview of the new products :)
And what I'm wondering about: why does Essence lately always also publish previews in the middle of a month? I don't really get it, is it their new concept?
What do you think of this LE?
xoxo, Misch

Friday, 13 July 2012

NOTD July 13th: Catrice Coolibri LE - C05 Virgin Forest

Hey guys!
Today I want to show you a nail polish that's been waiting to be worn quite a long time already :D I'm talking about Catrice's Virgin Forest from their Coolibri LE.
Virgin Forest is a shimmery blue-toned green. The shimmer is very strong and also frosty, and causes some brushstrokes. But it still looks glowy and pretty, so I'm okay with it.
Application was nice, I used 2 coats plus base and top coat, and it worked really well. Went on nicely, and the shimmer also doesn't cause any application problems.
I really like this green, it's super pretty and the frost finish doesn't make it a bad polish.
What do you think of it?
xoxo, Misch

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

June 2012 Favs

Hey there!
I know I should have posted this days ago, but better late than never, right?! :D
Here are my favorites for the month of June! I didn't get the chance to try a lot of different products, so these favs aren't as many.
Essence Ready For Boarding LE Lip&Cheek Creme 01 Sending You Kisses - I really like this blush so far, I didn't get the chance to try it that often, but it's nice. Review will follow, here *click* are swatches.
Catrice Floralista LE Duo Blush C01 As Lively As Ever - You guys know I love this matte blush, it's so pretty and easy to use! Swatches: *click*.
Nivea Shower Creme Free Time Starfruit - I've always been a fan of Nivea's Shower Cream, and I also like this scent I've been using lately :)
Essence Rebels LE Lip&Cheek Pot 01 Peach Punk - Another really great product, I love this one! Here *click* is the review on it.
Essence MySkin Tinted Moisturizer Medium/Dark Skin - I love Essence's Tinted Moisturizer and since I'm a lot tanner now I've been using the darker version of it. Here *click* are swatches.

I know, not a lot of favs, but these products are all great :) What were your favorites?
xoxo, Misch

Monday, 9 July 2012

Book Review: Sophie Kinsella - The Undomestic Goddess

Hi there!
Today I want to review a book I read a couple of weeks ago, The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella.
This book is basically about the lawyer Samantha, who is pretty much a workaholic. But when she makes one single mistake, her whole career is destroyed and she just leaves. She finds herself in a little town and before she even knows it, she's offered the job as a housekeeper. Problem is, she has no idea how to cook and work around the house. She has to deal with a lot of things in her new life, and also with her past.
I really liked reading this book, it's a simple pleasure read, and you get addicted to it. It's always that way for me with Sophie Kinsella books! I like the story, it's nothing extraordinary or super new, but it's a nicely thought-out plot with great characters.
I think it was really fun to read, and but of course there were the occasional parts I didn't like. In the end I think it was a little too much of being torn between two options, and always choosing one, then the other again. That got a tiny bit repetitive. But on the other hand it makes it a little more thrilling because you really want to know the truth and what she actually decides on!
It's of course a love story, but it's really not the one dominant topic of the book, other ones are just as important.
I'd really recommend this book to anyone who likes to read Sophie Kinsella books, I'm quite sure you'll enjoy this one! It's super fun and cute, and I enjoyed it :)
Did anyone of you read it?
xoxo, Misch

Sunday, 8 July 2012

NOTD July 8th: Yesensy - 045 (Fruit Smell Melon)

Hey there!
Today I want to show you a nail polish I picked up in Italy, from the brand Yesensy that is new to me.
The color 045 is from their scented polish line, and it's supposed to smell like melon. The color is a very dark blue with glitter, and it looks really deep in the bottle. Once applied, it dries to a rather textured and flat finish, but that's okay, because you can always add a top coat. 
Application was okay, but not utterly great. The consistency of this polish really enhances cuticle dragging and patchiness and that was not so cool. But I made it work with 3 thin coats plus top and base coat.
The fruit smell of it is definitely there, and you can really tell it's supposed to smell like melon! But when you add a top coat, the scent vanishes. 
Sorry for my super short nubbin nails, btw, they all broke :P but they'll grow back soon :)
After all, I think this is a nice polish but I'm not the biggest fan of it. Did anyone of you ever try it?
xoxo, Misch

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Review: SunOzon Sun Fluid for face SPF 30

Hey everyone!
Today I want to review the sun fluid I've been using for a couple of weeks now. I got it for my vacation and I've been using it regularly ever since. Since it's a face product, I wanted to try it a little longer before I did a review. So here you go!

  • called SunOzon Sun Fluid for face and decolleté 
  • has SPF 30
  • the brand SunOzon is a brand only available at Rossmann
  • it's waterproof
  • balanced UVA UVB protection
  • it's supposed to be mattifying and not to leave a greasy residue
  • it contains 50 ml
  • it costs 3,45 Euros
  • price
  • good level of sun protection
  • it's gentler to you skin because it's made especially for the face
  • you can use it under your make-up
  • it applies nicely because the formula is very light
  • you don't need a lot of product
  • I never once got sunburned when using this
  • it isn't sticky at all or leaves a greasy residue
  • it has a nice sunscreen scent
  • it didn't dry or break me out
  • it doesn't mattify your face like it promises
  • availability
  • it get more shiny during the day
After all, I really like this product! It gives me a good sun protection and I use it all the time. I apply it pretty much every morning right before my moisturizer, and it works well :) I really recommend it, and I especially love the fact that it's just for the face and has such a light formula.
Did anyone of you try it?
xoxo, Misch

Thursday, 5 July 2012

NOTD July 5th: Sea World Nail Art

Hey everyone,
today I want to show you a summer nail art piece I did lately, Sea World Nails.
For this design I used tons of colors and all kinds of things to create each part of the sea world. And I even added real sand!
Explaining everything I did would take way to long here, I'll just leave you with the pictures and if you want to know how to do a certain part of it, feel free to ask me in the comments! :)
What do you think of it?
xoxo, Misch

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Previews for August

Hey there!
Beginning of a month, and there are already the LE previews for the following month! Here are the ones being launched for August:
Catrice's LE will be called CUCUBA, and as the name already gives away, it's themed around Cuba and the Carribean and the summer there. Here *click* you can see the promo pics. I think the products look nice for a late summer, with the bronze and everything :) Also, they match the theme very well and I love that they're doing loose eyeshadows :) Can't wait to see it at the store :)
Next, Catrice already launched the previews for their permanent line change this fall. Here *click* you can see the first new products. They look good so far, and I definitely gotta check all of that out at the store.
Last but not least, Essence's LE for August. It's called Colour Arts and it already includes products that will later be part of the new permanent line. So there's no need to hurry to get these things since they'll be permanent soon. Here *click* you can the the pics. I love the fact that Essence does loose eyeshadows as a part of their permanent line :)
What do you think of these new things? I think I like them :D
xoxo, Misch

A very happy Fourth Of July to all of you Americans out there, have a great day!

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

NOTD July 3rd: Essence Ready For Boarding LE - 04 Via Airmail

Hey everyone!
First of all, I'm super sorry for being so absent! I had a lot of things going on last week, with school and dancing rehearsals and friends' parties, so I was super busy and didn't find any spare time to take care of my blog. I'm super sorry about it and I hope I'll not get back to it regularly again :)
Now, today I want to show you a nail polish from Essence's Ready For Boarding LE, called 04 Via Airmail.
Via Airmail is a medium blue creme with purple undertones, and it looks a bit dusty.
Application was great, it glided on nicely and was opaque with 2 coats. For the pictures I added a third one, and I'm also wearing base and top coat.
I really like this color, it looks really good on and I really recommend it!
What do you think of it?
xoxo, Misch