
Wednesday 31 December 2014

End of Year Tag 2014

Another year over! And what a year it was. Full of surprises, excitement and events. Some negative, some positive. And all in all, very important for everyone in their own personal way. Because whether it was mainly good or bad, whatever throwbacks or boosts happened, 2014 has most certainly shaped your personality. You're different now from how you were at this point last year. Everything is evolving, and you're most definitely getting stronger this way.

And because 2014 was such an important year, let's talk about it!

  • 1:What did you do in 2014 that you've never done before?
    • Lots of things. What particularly stands out is that I got my first tattoo.
  • 2:Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
    • I don't remember making any intentional new year's resolutions, as in I didn't set up a list of concrete things I want to accomplish. I'm positive that I had some thoughts in mind, such as to study harder or exercise more or something like that. Just the regulars. And I did not really keep them, I'm afraid.
    • But this year I've actually got a set of things I would like to accomplish, and they're more defined than last year's.
  • 3: What is your feeling towards 2015?
    • I feel very good about it. At each New Year's Eve during the last couple of years, I've felt more overwhelmed by the fact that the year had already gone by, and didn't think too far into the future.
    • But this time I am, and I'm very much looking forward to a new start. It's been hard during the past couple of weeks to get up and do certain things, and they are what I need to do. So no more excuses in 2015, and more getting done!
    • And by the end of this new year, I will (hopefully) have travelled a couple of countries, have started uni, have moved out. There's a lot to be accomplished!
  • 4: With whom did you spend the most time, and with whom the best?
    • That definitely has to be my friends. Spent very much time with them, especially with the ones with whom I went on a road trip. And I would say that was also the best time I had, together with them. 
  • 5:What countries did you visit?
    • Quite a couple, which I'm very glad about: Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. And I enjoyed my time in every single one of them!
  • 6:What would you like to have in 2015 that you lacked in 2014?
    • I would like to have more deliberately spent times. Ones where I'm actually aware of the importance of what is happening. It's very hard to describe that feeling that I sometimes get, but it's something along the lines of only realizing the importance of something when it's nearly over. That's what I'd like to stop!
  • 7:What dates from 2014 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
    • My birthday, because it brought some positive changes with it.
    • June 28, when I graduated from school.
    • September 15, when I finally had my braces removed.
    • September 16, when I had a truly happy day.
    • September 19 to November 16, where I did a road trip. All of it is important!
    • November 17, the day I was with my family again and saw Ed Sheeran live in concert.
  • 8:What was your biggest achievement of the year?
    • Probably finishing school with a very good result in my A Levels.
  • 9:What was your biggest failure?
    • I feel like this has to be not figuring out what I want to do in the future. I know these things take time, but I kind of could have gotten more of an idea during this year. I'm not on the same level of ignorance as in the beginning of 2014, but it's still not enough for me. This is why it's one of my main resolutions, to not let that happen anymore.
  • 10:Did you suffer illness or injury?
    • Luckily nothing bad!
  • 11:What was the best thing you bought?
    • That's my tattoo for me. It's not a thing to hold in my hand, but it cost money and I got it for myself, so it counts. And I love having it!
  • 12:Whose behaviour merited celebration?
    • That of my closest friends, who are incredibly understanding and willing to talk about everything.
  • 13:Whose behaviour made you appalled?
    • In a way, that of my parents concerning my doing a gap year. It's not like they don't support me, or weren't okay with it, but they seem to think that I take my future very casually and don't like to give it any thought. Well, I very much do. But they don't really seem to get that.
  • 14:Where did most of your money go?
    • Without doubt, I spent it on food. Especially while being abroad I realized how much money I spend on nutrition and trips to restaurants and snacks and everything. A lot was not necessary, but food is after all a good thing.
  • 15:What did you get really, really, really excited about?
    • My trip to the Harry Potter Studio Tour at the Warner Bros Studios in London. I felt like a child, even more excited actually, and it was one of the best days of this year.
  • 16:What song will always remind you of 2014?
    • In a negative way, Atemlos by Helene Fischer. They played it everywhere, all the time, and now I've come to despise it. But it will definitely remind me of this year!
    • Other than that, the whole 'X' album by Ed Sheeran, which I love with all my soul, and will never get tired of.
  • 17:Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? (c) richer or poorer?
    • (a) happier
    • (b) fatter
    • (c) richer
  • 18:What do you wish you'd done more of?
    • I wish I'd read more, I'd socialised more, I'd went outside more.
  • 19:What do you wish you'd done less of?
    • I wish I'd worried less, and spent less time on studying things I never needed.
  • 20:How did you spend Christmas?
    • In a small circle with my parents, sisters, and Grandma on the actual day; a couple of days ahead with my best friends which was a lovely night.
  • 21:Did you fall in love in 2014?
    • With lots of things, yes, and places and activities, but not really with any person.
  • 22:What was your favourite TV programme?
    • In the beginning of the year most certainly Sherlock, with the new season and everything. And then also Supernatural, which I love to bits.
  • 23: What was the greatest event of the year?
    • I simply cannot decide on this one. In terms of importance, it might be my graduation, but concerning how the actual day went, it was great but not the best day. Still, a great event!
  • 24:What was the best book you read?
    • I have to go with the Goldfinch by Donna Tartt for this one. I really enjoyed it, loved the thoughts behind it, and the fact that I nearly took 5 months to finish it definitely makes it the book of the year.
  • 25:What was your greatest musical discovery?
    • So so many new bands! I've gotten into a lot of new stuff, among it Jake Bugg, Arctic Monkeys, Alt-J, Jesper Munk, To Kill A King, Spring Offensive, Two Door Cinema Club, and many more!
  • 26:What did you want and get?
    • Materialistically speaking, a couple of great clothes from Urban Outfitters that I'm so glad that I treated myself to them.
    • More metaphorically speaking, freedom. I did many new things and I loved that!
  • 27:What did you want and not get?
    • A definite idea of what I want to do at uni. 
  • 28:What was your favourite film of this year?
    • I really enjoyed The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, but that is probably too recent and blocks better films I've seen. I also really enjoyed The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and Divergent.
  • 29:What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
    • Knowing that I would graduate from school in the summer. It made all the pressure and stress from school somewhat durable.
  • 30:How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2014?
    • A lot more black, and a tad more alternative. This is definitely not what I would have expected from myself, but I like it so much by now, I'm very glad of changing my style a bit. I also wore lots of crop tops! 
  • 31:What kept you sane?
    • Long talks with my friends. Knowing that they have as little of an idea of what to do after school as I do helped me so much. Because it's way easier to handle this when you know you're not alone with it. 
  • 32:Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
    • Probably Ed Sheeran and Jensen Ackles.
  • 33:What political issue stirred you the most?
    • Believe me, there were many. Our world has many, many serious issues to work out, and people are far from the standards that could be possible in terms of openness and acceptance.
    • One that is definitely among the most stirring ones is what happened in Ferguson.
  • 34:Who did you miss?
    • Tow of my closest friends moved abroad for a certain time, and I did and very much do miss them. I can't wait to see them again next year!
  • 35:Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2014.
    • That it's important to listen to what oneself wants, and not let others get too much in the way with that. Also, that there is no need to tolerate things you don't want in your life, one of them being superficiality.
  • 36: Sum up 2014 in one word.
    • Enlightening.

That's it guys! I hope you didn't find it too philosophic or pensive, but I thought some seriousness was definitely needed here. I'd be very interested in what your answers are to these questions, so please feel free to share.

I wish you the best New Year's Eve, and an even greated 2015! Make it one of your best years. You can do that!

Love, Misch


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