
Sunday 26 January 2014

Preview: LEs for February 2014

Hey there!

Today I'd like to quickly show you 2 previews for LEs that are anticipated for February.

The first one is by Essence and it's called New In Town. You can see the promo pictures here *click*. Now there is no mention of this in the preview, but normally there are two LEs per year that are called New In Town, and they always contains a couple of products from the upcoming permanent line change. So I presume that this is the case here as well. The products look cute but not that spectacular, I guess I'll have to judge them at the store.

The other LE is by Catrice and it's called Creme Fresh. Now this one looks way more promising than the Essence one in my opinion. You can see it here *click*. It's full of pastel shades, but very cute ones. Not that new maybe, but very appropriate for the season.

After all I don't find them utterly interesting so far, but maybe I'll like a product or two at the store. We'll see then :D

What do you think of it?
xoxo, Misch


  1. Nothing catches my eye from either LE but I am excited for some of the new products they're gonna release.

  2. I have already seen the Creme Fresh at the store and nothing really convinced me, maybe I will go back to get the minty nail polish but that is pretty much it. But I can't wait to see all the new Essence goodies, it looks I will spend way too much for make-up this year ;)

    1. I hope I'll get to see it soon!
      Hahaha, we all know you can never spend too much money on make-up, right?! :D


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