
Friday 29 November 2013

Movie Review: Thor - The Dark World

Hey guys!

A movie I recently saw was Thor - The Dark World, and today I'd like to share my thoughts on it with you.
It is the sequel to the first Thor movie from 2011, and stars Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Tom Hiddleston as Loki, Natalie Portman as Jane Foster and many more. It is a Marvel movie.

Spoilers ahead!
The plot takes up on the events of the first Thor movie and the Avengers movie, so if you want to fully understand every reference and situation, you've better seen these two.
This time, the world (or better all worlds) are being put in danger by a new dark force, the Dark Elf Malekith (played by Christopher Eccleston). Thor tries to defeat him and for that has to ask his brother Loki for help. At the same time he is reunited with Jane Foster.
That's as much as I can tell you without giving too much away!

The whole movie was exceptionally beautiful. All the images and pictures and backgrounds and landscapes where so utterly gorgeous and simply stunning, I was amazed.
I loved the story, it was typical superhero Marvel action kind of story, but not boring or obvious. Some plot twists left me quite shocked!
I love the actors, I'm overly fond of Tom Hiddleston, he's my favourite part :D

And I always have to laugh at the end. The second the movie is over, everyone gets ready to leave. Wrong thing to do when watching a Marvel movie! After the first part of the credits, everybody disbelievingly turns around to see that there is an extra scene, then they all leave. Next big mistake. It was seriously only my friends and I, as well as three guys, who waited till the very end of all of the credits to see the second extra scene. Even the cinema employee didn't know about the extra scenes and tried to hush us out of there when the credits started! Always interested in seeing who's enough of a Marvel fan!

I was very very entertained by this movie, enjoyed it a lot! If you're a fan of the genre, or Marvel, or any of the actors, I can definitely recommend it!

xoxo, Misch


  1. I watched it a couple of weeks ago and I loved it too! And Tom Hiddleston is precious <3

    1. That's great! And I totally agree, he is!

  2. i watched this movie last week and totally agree with your review! i was very clever to not leave my seat even after the credits started rolling (i had a feeling there would be some extra scenes for the next installment) :D
    just stumbled on your blog while searching for some reviews...lovely blog you have! im your new follower. hope you also visit my blog and follow if you like it :)xx

    Sadia Malik's Blog

    1. thank you very much and welcome to my blog! :)
      I'll be sure to check yours out! :)

  3. Nice review Misch. Strange that we would get this superhero movie at the beginning of November, but still well worth the watch.


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