
Sunday 22 September 2013

Off to France!

Hey guys!

Today I just quickly wanna let you know that I'm gone for another week!

As a part of my French class this year, I'm going on a trip to France with a few fellow classmates! We're going to visit Alsace, a beautiful region near the German border. We'll be staying in Colmar and Strasbourg, two cities I really look forward to seeing!

So I'll be away for one week, hope you won't miss me too much!
I'll see you soon with some pictures from my hopefully fun trip!

Have a good time,
until then,
xoxo, Misch


  1. Have a great and safe trip. I'll be looking forward to seeing pics :)

    1. thanks! pictures will definitely be up soon :)

  2. Have a great time in France!! =D


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