
Wednesday 4 September 2013

NOTD September 4th: Catrice - Grey's Kelly

Hey everyone!
Today I'd like to show you another older nail polish of mine, Grey's Kelly by Catrice.
Grey's Kelly is a grey shade, as the name already suggests. It does have some taupe qualities to it, making it look a tiny bit muddy and like it has a very slight purple-ish touch. It's a creme.

Application was good, it has a very squishy formula, so I ended up doing 3 thin coats for full opacity, that's what I found worked best.
Unfortunately this shade's been discontinued for quite a while now, but as it's not really unique, you should definitely be able to find a good substitute.

What do you think of it?
xoxo, Misch


  1. I was looking this shade for so long and deciding if I need it that eventually got discontinued and I never got my hands on it but I have a lot of other grey shades and now I'm waiting for the Essence LE army green shade from the Be loud LE. I know it will be more olive but it will also probably be murky-muddy just like Grey's Kelly


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