
Sunday 18 August 2013

I'm Back!

Hey there!
Long time no see, but now I'm finally back for good! And I really wanna get back to my blogging routine!

Today I'd like to share my recent vacation with you guys!
Together with my 4 best friends I went to Riva del Garda, a little town located in the northern area near Italy's largest lake, the lake Garda. We lived in a little house that my friend's parents own, which is located a little up in the mountains. Therefore we could only reach towns and everything by car, but that was alright with us. We had great weather and basically relaxed for 2 weeks straight. Went swimming a lot, in the lakes Garda, Tenno and Ledro, and visited little towns. Payed Verona a visit, which I enjoyed a lot, it's a beautiful city, and made a trip to the Gardaland, which was a ton of fun. Had great food and great fun, it really was an awesome vacation! I'm gonna leave you with some pictures, just a couple to give you an impression of the beautiful area and the great fun we had :)
I'm glad to be back though!
xoxo, Misch


  1. Awww! Amazing vacation you had! *-*

  2. very nice photos!!!
    Coincidently I live near Riva del Garda !!! =)

    1. thank you! :)
      oh, how cool! that must be a beautiful area to live in, I can definitely see myself coming back often :)


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