
Wednesday 5 June 2013

Movie Review: Star Trek Into Darkness

Hi there!
Today I have a new movie review for you guys! Last weekend I went to see Star Trek Into Darkness with a good friend, and I really enjoyed it!
We went to Munich to see it in English, and actually had to go there twice, because the first time we went, it was already sold out :P We were so relieved when we finally got to see it!
I'll try to do this review without any spoilers, but that means I can't really go into detail as far as the plot is concerned. Go watch the trailer here! Just a short summary: Captain Kirk (Chris Pine) and his crew on the Enterprise have to go after a terrorist named John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch) and try to take him down, which leads to quite a couple of unexpected events. Any more detail would contain spoilers :D
Now, onto how I liked the movie.
It was full of suspense and very exciting to watch, always love that with a film. I loved how they did the scenes on the Enterprise and all of the other sci-fi-related parts, it all looked quite cool :D
The actors were all really great. I liked Kirk's whole crew, but especially the villain, Benedict Cumberbatch, was pure awesomeness. He's so talented, really worth seeing!
There was so much action going on in this movie, so many fights that you had to take in. Afterwards I felt a little mindfucked because of that :D
I really enjoyed this movie, and so did my friend! If you're a fan of the genre, go watch it!
Has anyone of you seen it?
xoxo, Misch

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