
Friday 10 May 2013


Hey there!
Today it's time for some more randomness! :D
 Don't you just love the feeling of new bedding? I definitely do, and this print is just so cute :D
 Being bored can definitely end up in creativity. Even though I shouldn't be bored, because I always have loads to do, I decided to cut out pictures of make-up from magazines and glue them onto boxes, so they look more fun. I love how they turned out!
 More buckets! And the thing in the middle is a mug I painted :)
 My current book. I'm almost through, and I love love love it! Expect a review soon :)
Finally time for summer shoes! The flower-print bow is part of old H&M wedges I love to wear, and the lacey white shoes are current, also H&M. Love to wear them!

I hope you enjoyed this bit of randomness! :)
See you soon,
xoxo, Misch


  1. The mug you painted is very nice!

  2. I'm absolutely in love with your mug!!!

  3. Both pairs of shoes looks amazing and definitely my style ;)


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