
Wednesday 29 May 2013

I'm Back!

Hey everyone!
I'm back from Italy! Yay! Feels good to be home, sleep in my own bed and have access to the Internet! :D I missed you guys!
I had a lovely time with my family! We stayed at the same place we did last year *click*, in Savignano near Rimini. This time, unfortunately, the weather wasn't as awesome. It's still quite early for a summer-beach-type vacation, and we wore long clothes most of the time. Was rather cold compared to last year! But we enjoyed ourselves nonetheless, and made lots of trips to the area. We went back to San Marino and Bellaria, and visited Riccione, Pennabilli and lots of tiny villages in between. And we did have some hot beach moments!
For today, I'd like to show you some pictures of my vacation. Here you go!
I hope you had a lovely week, too!
xoxo, Misch


  1. The place looks really idyllic!

  2. I'm sorry that you didn't find a good weather, until June it will be cold! I usually go to Bellaria in September and it is very relaxing and the food is very good!

    1. I had fun anyway! that must also be a great time to go there :)

  3. Italy is such a pretty country. I love your photos. :)


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