
Friday 19 April 2013

Book Review: The Tortilla Curtain by T.C.Boyle

Hey there!
Today it's time for another book review! This time I'm talking about The Tortilla Curtain by T.C.Boyle, which I had to read for my English class.
The Tortilla Curtain tells the story of two different people and their lives. The first person, Delaney, is a somewhat rich white guy, living in a gated community very near Los Angeles. The other one is a illegal Mexican immigrant called Candido, who lives in poverty. Both lead their life together with their wives, and the book basically tells what happens to them. They meet at a couple of points in the story.
For the most part the chapters a devided between the views of Candido and Delaney, sometimes also their wives. There isn't a first person narrator, however.
The book shows a lot of details in the story, and it all was described very well. However, I did not enjoy it too much, some parts were too gross for my liking, all this talking about excrements and abuse was simply disgusting. Also some parts very just not interesting to me, how can so much fuss be made about a dog for example? This might not make sense to you if you haven't read it, but it doesn't matter really.
Also, I wasn't able to see so much of a "intersection" of the main characters' worlds apart from a few incidents, that was disappointing.
What I also didn't like was the end, how can a book just go on boringly for 300 pages and then on the last couple there's a kind of show down that ends right in the middle of it? Don't think a book can have more of an open end!
I found the book okay, but not all that great. To be honest, if I'd been able to choose whether to read it or not, I wouldn't have read it. It's just not my kind of book!
And I'm supposed to add that my best friend also didn't like it, she explicitly wanted me to tell you :D
Has anyone of you read it?
xoxo, Misch

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