
Saturday 8 December 2012

NOTD December 8th: Santa Nail Art

Hey guys!
Today I'd like to show you another pretty Christmas design, and this time it's Santa!
Using small brushes, I painted everything from his face to his coat and hat, as well as his sack full of presents. I think it's very cute :D
What do you think of it? Do you want a tutorial for any of the little designs?
xoxo, Misch


  1. I love it. Your Santa looks so cute. :)

  2. Ho, ho , Ho!!
    Sehr schön :D Wie war´s mit dir der Nikolaus oder das Christkind?? ;)) Ich muss noch auf die 3 Heiligen warten.. xDDD

    Lg, Küße

    1. Haha, danke :) bei uns hier in bayern kommt das Christkind an weihnachten :)
      Liebe grüße!


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