
Saturday 1 December 2012

NOTD December 1st: Gingerbread Nail Art

Hey there!
Today I'd like to show you guys another wintery nail art design, and this time it's Gingerbread Nails! I found the idea on Spektor's Nails here *click*, and I liked it so much I had to recreate it :)
The basis is actually super easy to create, paint your nails a dark brown shade and then add white dots all around them. Where it got difficult were the details in the middle, but I like how they turned out :)
What do you think of them?
xoxo, Misch


  1. This is really cute!:D Can't wait to do some Christmasy nail designs! And definitely looking forward to seeing your new ones!:D

    1. thank you :) I love Christmas-y nail art :)


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