
Monday 17 December 2012


Hey there!
We're nearing Christmas, only one more week to go!
And as some of you might still be getting some shopping done, I wanted to share my Gift Guide with you guys! I was wondering whether I should do one this year, but I figured it wouldn't be much different from the one I did last year. So, instead of re-writing it, I'm leaving you with the links to the old ones so you can pick out what you need :)
Christmas Gift Guide on Books
Christmas Gift Guide on Make-up
Christmas Gift Guide on Presents for Boys
Christmas Gift Guide on Personalized Stuff
If you think there's an important category I haven't talked about yet, please let me know, I'd love to do it now!
I'd love to show you what I'm giving away this year, but I'm afraid they'll see it on here, as some of my friends sometimes check out my blog, so I'll only be showing it when I've already given them the presents :D
What will you be giving away this Christmas?
xoxo, Misch

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