
Monday 31 December 2012

2012 End Of Year Tag

Hi you guys!
It's New Years Eve everyone! Just like 2011, why not end the year with a TAG about 2012? Here you go:
Feelings towards 2013?
Anticipation, even though it doesn't really feel like a whole new beginning, just like the next day. Don't know, it doesn't feel like this year is already over!
Done in 2012 for the first time?
Been really really drunk :D Maybe not something to be proud of, but I guess everyone experiences this once :D Before, I've always stuck to my limit, but not this time :D
Unfortunately not done in 2012? 
Celebrated my birthday! I wish I'd had a great party, but I just never did!
Word of the year?
Unicorn :D My sister and I loved this one :D
Gained or lost weight? 
I think neither! Must have stayed about the same :)
City of the year?
Berlin, where I spent a lovely school trip with my great great class :)
Alcohol & parties?
Yes, quite a few parties this year :D A lot was going on this summer!
Hair longer or shorter?
I didn't really change it, cut off the tips then let it grow back, so I don't think it's significantly longer or shorter now!
More or less money spent?
More, definitely! I did so many cool things this year, and with all of the partying and going out I spent a lot of money!
Highest phone bill?
Still don't have an actual phone bill, I have a pre-paid cell :D
Been to the hospital?
No, not once! Not even to visit someone!
Been in love?
Not really :D Nothing more than a crush that's already over.
Most called person? 
My mom probably :D I call her all the time just to let her know something or so, she really is my most-called person!
The best time spent with?
With both friends and family :) I did super cool stuff this year, made great new friends and everything :)
Most of the time spent with?
Again friends and family. Not one single person, I think I divided my time quite well :)
Song of the year?
No special one, but I guess what I most listened to this year was random Jack Johnson songs.
Book of the year?
Other than Harry Potter, of course, I'd say the Castle series, with Heat Wave, Naked Heat and Heat Rises.
TV-series of the year?
Just like with the books, Castle. I watched this once a week with my family, regularly :)
Realization of the year?
That you shouldn't care too much about what people think of you!
Something of the year you could do without?
Some stupid rumors, hangovers, fights, just little things like that!
Greatest event?
Our dancing show in July because it was huge and awesome!
2012 in one word?

2012 really was super special and great year, I had such a great time! It was also fantastic for this blog, I'm very happy about that :) Let's hope 2013 will be even better!
Have a happy and safe New Year's Eve, and I'll see you 2013! :D
xoxo, Misch

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