
Sunday 4 November 2012

Spotted: Catrice SpectaculART

Hey guys!
At the drugstore I just spotted Catrice's LE for November, called SpectaculART.
This LE contains 4 eyeshadows, 1 blush mousse, 1 eyeliner, 1 set of fake individual lashes, 3 lipsticks, 5 nail polishes and 1 highlighting powder. Here *click* you can see the promo pics.
The eyeshadows have this super pretty print on them, and they also have a somewhat weird form inside their pot, like a hill or something :D Hard to describe! They're all extremely pigmented, super pretty, and they have a metallic shimmer. I was especially tempted to get the champagne colored one, so gorgeous! I ended up leaving them there, but they seemed to be great.
The blush mousse is a very light pale pink, and from the swatch it didn't look that good, too light and not pigmented enough. That was just my first impression, but it made me leave it there.
The eyeliner is like a regular fine felt-tip liner, one you can also find in various permanent lines.
The individual fake lashes looked good, I just wouldn't use them. But I bet they'll look more natural than normal fake lashes.
The lipsticks are described as sheer, and hell, they really are. Very, very sheer, just a slight wash of color even with the dark shades. I would have preferred a little more opacity.
The nail polishes are 4 regular polishes and one glitter top coat. The shades disappointed me, just basic pinks and a pale gold, nothing out of the ordinary. The glitter top coat also didn't wow me.
Last but not least, the highlighting powder. This is the thing I bought from this LE :D It's a very light shade, I'd say champagne-colored, and it has a great fine shimmer. It's neither warm nor cold, and very pretty for lots of skin tones in my opinion. Can't wait to try it! It's called C01 Artfully Lustrous, and the design of the packaging is also very pretty :)
After all, this is a nice LE. Not all of the products are great, but I did like some things :) What do you think of this one?
xoxo, Misch


  1. Not very interesting. Eyeshadows were good, but I decided to leave them on drugstore. Lipsticks dissapointed me, I expected more, because Catrice usually makes great lipsticks. I took golden TC, it lookd kinda interesting and it looks good on nails too.

    1. yeah, I definitely agree with you, Catrice can do better! But good to know that the top coat is pretty, I might go back and get it :)

  2. The highlighter is sooo pretty!

  3. Ja,der Highlighter ist wunderschön! ;)

    Lg und Küße


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