
Wednesday 14 November 2012

NOTD November 14th: Movember Mustache Nail Art

Hey guys!
It's November, and that means it's Movember! In Movember, lots of men around the world grow mustaches, to raise awareness for prostate cancer. And while we girls can't really grow mustaches, there are lots of other ways to support this campaign, too!
One of the easiest ways to do this is, like I did, painting some mustaches onto your nails! I just used a nude base and then created my little mustaches with black polish and a dotting tool, super simple! And it looks very cute :)
I also wear my mustache necklace, I love it :D It's so much fun!
Are you somehow sporting some mustaches this month? Tell me about your ideas!
xoxo, Misch


  1. I love them! Yours are so uniform and clean--I haven't braved the freehand mustache yet! I am SO honored that you added these awesome little guys to the gallery!

    1. Thank you so much :) I' glad you like them!


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