
Sunday 11 November 2012

Comparison: Kiko 293 + China Glaze Grape Pop

Hey there!
When I showed you Kiko's 293 a couple of days ago, I was asked to compare it to China Glaze's Grape Pop.
They're both really similar: both a dark blue-toned purple cremes, both two-coaters. So if you don't want to look too closely, you can declare them alike and just get one of them.
left: China Glaze, right: Kiko
However, if you pay attention, you'll be able to see some differences. The China Glaze polish is a little darker, and also seems to be more purple-toned. That makes the Kiko nail polish a tad lighter and more blue-toned.
Still, these differences only show up when you compare them directly, side to side. I personally prefer the Kiko one more, because it like the blue undertones and to me, its consistency is better. The China Glaze one is a little thick, the Kiko one not, it's way thinner. I wouldn't say you need to have both.
So what do you think? Close enough? Or are those utterly different to you?


  1. i like grape pop better. i have no idea why i don't have it :D

    1. Haha, then I guess you have to get it :D

  2. They look really similar but I think I would choose the one from Kiko.

  3. Der von Kiko finde ich hübsch und billiger als der von China Glaze, oder? Also, besser Qualität und weniger Geld, für mich ist die Entscheidung ganz klar xD Kiko und blauerer Tonen
    Lg ;**

    1. ja, da hast du recht! es kommt zwar darauf an, wo du den Kiko Nagellack oder den China Glaze Nagellack kaufst, aber hier ist der von Kiko auf jeden Fall billiger!

  4. Hey! Where did you get Kiko 293? I have been looking for the perfect purple nail polish with a bluish tint. I can't find it on or Kiko's site :(

    1. That's a pity! Mine is from Italy actually, that's where my sister bought it this summer! Maybe they discontinued it?


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