
Sunday 12 August 2012

Spotted: Catrice New Permanent Line for Fall 2012

Hi there!
Today I want to talk about Catrice's new permanent line! Here *click* you can find an overview of all of the new products.
They launched both entirely new product lines and new colors of already existing products. I think that everything looks good, there's nothing I would say is ugly or not matching for Catrice. Some new colors are really super pretty, I liked the blushes and the polishes a lot.
For now I got myself 2 nail polishes which I want to show you:
The first one is called 900 Steel My Heart, and it's a dark brownish grey with a strong shimmer and purple undertones. It has a "new" finish, called Brushed Metal Effect, which is basically like a Satin. It dries matte, but not utterly matte, more of a mix between glossy and matte. It's super pretty in this case with the shimmer, looks good! Here I have 2 coats of it swatched. In the photos you unfortunately can't really tell the Satin finish, I hope I'll be able to picture it better when I wear it!
The other polish I got is called 915 George Blueney. It's a very dark greyish blue base with tons of blue shimmer in it. It's super shiny and glowy and looks especially good in direct sunlight! It's pretty much a one coater, but I did 2 coats for my swatch.
I can't wait to wear these polishes!
What do you think of the new Catrice stuff?
xoxo, Misch


  1. I'm not really into brownish colours, but George Blueney goes directly onto my wish list :)

  2. Oh gosh I can't wait for these new colours!


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