
Friday 17 August 2012

Catrice Hollywood's Fabulous 40ties LE Preview

Hey there!
Just want to show you a quick preview of an upcoming Catrice LE, called Hollywood's Fabulous 40ties. It'll be released in the beginning of September. Here *click* you can see the promo pics.
I really like the theme of the LE, and also the colors! The soft pink shades that aren't pastel but super natural in a way that I'd love to wear them! I also like the design, it's just really pretty!
Catrice also already launched the promo pics for another September LE, so it seems like they're doing 2 this month. Looking forward to seeing them at the store!
What do you think of it?
xoxo, Misch


  1. I'm already in love with some products from Hollywood LE but the other one leaves me cold. Thanks for this :)

  2. I like the lipsticks and the blush, but I have too many, so they have to be really special and unique to come with me :-)

    1. I agree with you, the more stuff I have the pickier I get :D


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