
Monday 4 June 2012

Misch's Beauty Blog turns 2!! :)

Yes guys, today this little blog here turns 2! I can't believe it's already been 2 years since I started blogging, it feels like it was just a few months ago! I never expected myself to keep it up this long and post that often, since blogging is pretty time consuming, but it's just so much fun! I love to blog, it's the best hobby one can have!
My little blog made a lot of progress during the last year, I experienced so much! So many new readers, so many new topics to discover, new beauty habits for myself, this is all just so cool :) With a total of more than 100.000 clicks in the past 2 years, and more than 140 followers, I think my blog is getting more and more attention, and I like that ;) But seriously, it feels good to know that you guys appreciate it! Thanks to everyone who made it a successful second year of blogging, I don't know where I'd be without my readers! Thanks for following, thanks for commenting, thanks for taking time out of your day to stop by and read what I have to say! You're awesome, and I mean that! I never really expected more than 100 people to be interested in my little blog, but I'm so glad all of you are :) <3
Let's all sing together: Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Misch's Beauty Blog, happy birthday to you! :D
I'd be giving out cookies and hugs for this anniversary if I could ;)
Thank you all out there, I love you! :)
xoxo, Misch
this is my new friend, a little sparrow who likes to be in my garden :D


  1. Happy blogiversary, and to many, many more! :)

  2. Congratulations! 2 years is amazing! I hope I can keep it up that long :)

    1. thanks sweetie! As long as you enjoy it as much as I do I'm sure you can keep it up that long!

  3. I'll get the hug. Happy blogginversary!

  4. Congratulation!!!
    Keep going with writing interesting and exciting posts ;)


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