
Tuesday 26 June 2012

Book Review: The Lucky One - Nicholas Sparks

Hey everyone!
Today I want to talk about a book I just recently finished, The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks. This isn't the first book by Nicholas Sparks that I reviewed, you can also click onto my posts on Dear John and The Notebook.
The Lucky One is a very typical Nicholas Sparks book, it's a love story that is enchanting and fascinating and not soupy at all, the reason that I love his books.
The main story is about US Marine Logan Thibault, who finds a picture of a woman during his tour in Iraq, and this photo seems to be his lucky charm, it protects him during his time in war. Back at home he walks across the country to find the woman in the picture, and when he finds her he gets into her world and affects everything around her. But it's not all as perfect as it seems, and there are some problems coming up.
This is the story summed up really briefly, and it's of course not everything that happens in this book. The a good part of the story, Thibault's life before he meets Elizabeth, is told in flashbacks, and they make you understand the person Thibault is. The story is full of love and tenderness and it shows all kinds of different parts of life. It's never written out of one person's perspective, but the chapters always center around a certain person and show their thoughts and feelings.
The very end was a little confusing to me at first, but I'm quite sure that's done on purpose. If you read it, you'll know what I mean ;)
A small part of the book was predictable in my opinion, but not in a bad way. I also didn't find myself having a lot of expectations for this book, I just read through it and felt with the story. It's very good to read, just like these types of books are, and it was fun. You definitely want to know how it goes on, and I like that about a good book :)
The Lucky One was turned into a movie this spring, starring Zac Efron and Taylor Schilling. I already watched it, and I didn't like it as much. The book's way better, and the movie's just missing all of these thoughts and character properties that the book portrays. Rather read the book!
I really recommend it for all of you who love love stories and/or Nicholas Sparks books and/or want to try a nice pleasure read :) It's a good one!
Did anyone of you read it?
xoxo, Misch


  1. I am half way through this book so I haven't read your review in case it gives anything away. So far I love it and I heard there is a movie version of it too? :) x

    1. that's good, because I think there might be some tiny spoilers...make sure to read my review when you finished it and tell me what you think about it :)
      yes, there is one starring zac efron and taylor schilling :)

  2. I agree with you, the movie adaptation is not as good as the book, but that doesn't stop us from reading the book once more. "The Lucky One" is my favorite book from him because of the way he paints the human heart and how it searches for true love from something as mundane as a picture found in the dirt. You truly need to have talent to write that. Nicholas Sparks is a huge influence to me and I will read every book he writes (and re-read those that I already read).

    1. you're so right, I totally agree with you! I know a lot of people who think of Nicholas Sparks as a talented writer, and that's so true! I love his books :)

  3. I read and really enjoyed The Lucky One- especially Nana, she was hilarious! I love the way that Nicholas Sparks is able to create memorable, vibrant characters time and time again. Being a published love story author myself, I can really appreciate the kind of dedication it takes to turn out a story like The Lucky One, let alone all of the other best-sellers he's created.
    What did you think of the treehouse as a character? It's a little unusual to think of a setting as a contributing character, but I feel like Sparks really invested it with a lot of personality.

    1. exactly!
      I really liked the treehouse, it is a very important and significant part of the story!


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